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Month: December 2022

Leave Megan & Harry Alone!

Leave Megan & Harry Alone!

Practically every day there is something NEGATIVE to be said about Megan & Harry and today I read the headline from the Daily Express article written by Leia Paxton, QUOTING ‘Meghan Markle should ‘win an Oscar for ‘narcissism’ as Duchess branded ‘a shocker’. Speaking of Meghan during a Sky News Australia discussion, ‘Ms. Elsworth’ said: “She should win a female Oscar for her narcissism, she is a shocker.

Meghan Markle should ‘win an Oscar for ‘narcissism’ as Duchess branded ‘a shocker’ (

I gather Ms.Elsworth has never experienced ‘Narcissism’ to actually use these words correctly.

Narcissism does not only describe the abuser’s personality traits it can lead to domestic violence. For someone who has experienced narcissism firsthand, this caused a trigger of emotions to come flooding back.

Study: Narcissistic Traits Can Lead to Aggression and Violence (

Narcissism | Psychology Today

Bad journalism does not do the writer any justice because there are repercussions to writing things that are deemed defamatory.

I hope Megan sues anyone that accuses her of narcissism for defamation of character and I would start with the person that thought she would get her five minutes of fame by ‘NAME CALLING’ which is in fact a narcissistic trait.

The journalists that are saying they are sick and tired of Megan and Harry should just leave them alone. Furthermore, if the truth is known I am sure people are sick and tired of all the bad press surrounding this which should stop, but where money is to be made won’t.

Every person that has said anything bad about the Sussexes, is as much to blame.

I am sick and tired of hearing and reading about this, why can’t the media just leave them alone, why can they not focus their attention on more important matters, like ‘the cost of living, or inflation?

Leave Megan and Harry to get on with their lives. What they chose to do, to make money is their business, and anyone that has ever said anything bad about them is in my eyes as much a narcissist as the one that is being accused.

In fact, I am sure the Royal Family is sick and tired of this media frenzy, and fueling the fire from the media shows little respect, not only for Megan and Harry but also for the Royals.

#princeharry #meganmarkle #mselsworth #sophieelsworth #autralianmediawriter #journalism #narcissism #dukeofsussex #duchessofsussex

The Cause Of Price Rises In The UK.

The Cause Of Price Rises In The UK.

Have you ever wondered why everything is going up in the UK at an alarming rate? Are we led to believe that everything is going up because of Put#ns W#r? (Words are being censored).

The reality is something I have been saying for some time and that is the UK Government is in debt.

Borrowing November just gone was more than double what it was of November 2021.

Interest on government debts stood at £7.3 billion, up £2.4 billion on the same time last year.

Public sector net debt was up to 98.7% of GDP from 98.2% the previous month.

Danni Hewson, AJ Bell financial analyst, commented on the latest public sector finances:Even in the midst of the pandemic November’s borrowing figures didn’t reach the heights, they’ve reached this year. The government’s simply spending far more than it’s bringing in despite the fact the tax take has increased significantly. One major factor behind the rise in borrowing costs is our old adversary inflation. Interest payments on all that debt have shot up to reach another record high for the month, coming in at more than seven billion pounds, a rise of almost two and a half billion on November 2021“.

This then has a knock-on effect on the citizens of the UK. When we left the EU, the UK automatically owed trillions in debt.

My argument then and still stands today Brexit was sold on the fact with a lot of people wanted to vote out of the EU because of immigration. But immigration actually boosted the economy because whilst they worked they were paying taxes and buying and shipping abroad. Immigration has now escalated to another level of helping Ukrainians to start new lives whilst escaping their war-torn country.

So my point was would you allow a bunch of strangers to decide what is good for your company/business or would you entrust financial advisors? The same can be said that people who do not have an ounce of common sense let alone political or economic knowledge why were they given a chance to vote on the state of our country?

Everyone that voted out is now left to blame for the mess the UK is in and it’s only going to get worse.

If you do not know what you are talking about do not pretend that you do. By voting, you impact the country in the long run. People should educate themselves before talking about politics or economics and should not be made to vote unless they have passed an IQ test.

UK inflation: Is Brexit causing it to accelerate?

Former Bank of England policymaker Adam Posen insists that 80 percent of the reason why the UK has the highest inflation of any G7 country is due to the impact of Brexit on immigration and the labour market.

UK inflation: Is Brexit causing it to accelerate? – The Irish Times

He warned: “You’ve seen a huge drop in migrant labour, a disruption in labour markets that everybody experienced due to Covid and reopening, but with fundamentally less elasticity… and that [Brexit] has to be a major part of it,” he told a conference at Kings College in London.

Brexit explains 80% of UK inflation – and why it is here for the long run (

#costofinflation #pricerises #costofliving #bankofengland #brexit #policymakers #politics #economics #immigration #financialadvisors #IQtests #generalelections #voting #commonsense #interestrates

How to Create an eBook – Free eBook Download – New Version 11/12/22

How to Create an eBook – Free eBook Download! New Version 11/12/22

Keep your business moving forward Generate Instant Publicity!

** Disclaimer – As long as you see the link on this page to download, the eBook will always be free, but that does not say that I may also consider selling hard copies on Amazon in the future.

“Why all your marketing should include eBooks? Business owners, entrepreneurs, and freelancers all can benefit from creating their own eBooks. eBooks can range on a wide variety of subjects, ultimately generating traffic & leads”.

Before delving into what are ebooks and how they can help us, we have to first do some psycho-analysis. What do people want in business other than the obvious and more leads, they need valuable information that can help them without it costing them a penny or a dime. They want information that they can implement into their own marketing strategies and that is why I am on a voyage to do a series of business ebooks that will not cost you anything other than your time reading them.

I start off by showing you my own marketing strategies.

I have tried and tested a lot of marketing techniques and get-rich-quick schemes and successfully all they have done is burned holes in my pockets. I find the only way to get interactions is through networking and being constantly active on my blogs and social media channels.

When I hear how someone says they have made zero to a million in 30 days and make you listen to an hour and a half of waffle for then to upsell you a ticket at $500 it makes me mad because there are people that will pay that sort of money because they are desperate at being millionaires when in reality the only person that gets rich is the person that advertises their campaign whilst sitting in their private jets.

Believe me, I have tried the videos ads and banner ads, and I have tried giving my services away for free but the problem is if someone has never heard of you why should they trust you?

I have now realized that blogging, affiliate marketing, networking, podcasting, public speaking, and giving valuable content can be implemented in business and will undoubtedly attract followers and generate leads.

Here is a prime example of someone I follow on LinkedIn. If you have not heard of Rob Moore he is a successful entrepreneur multi-millionaire author, property investor, public speaker, podcaster, and top social media influencer based in the UK who recently gave a Mercedes away and loads of cash. He has interviewed some of the most famous and controversial people on this planet.

There is a clue in the above paragraph… (author and giveaway). Yes, he has written many books and is a best-selling author on how to get out of debt and gives financial advice. So the point I am making is he gives away valuable content and assets and that is how he gains his followers.

I on the other hand want to help business owners, entrepreneurs, or freelancers to scale their businesses to the next level with my own tried and tested methods without it costing you an arm and a leg. I will on my sites offer this information for free without you having to sit through boring podcasts and you can download the books to read when and where it suits you.

What Is A Marketing Ebook?

An ebook ( in short, an “electronic book”) is an alternative to a hard physical copy, which makes them more versatile. The digital version of a paperback can be read on either a computer or a handheld device. eBooks are usually formatted as PDF documents to transfer quickly from one person to another, although they may be available in other versions depending on the device a person is using.

The fundamentals of ebook marketing ebooks are to generate leads. This gated content can range from whitepapers, ebooks, and videos to case studies, product demos, and webinars. Gated content is online material that requires users to fill out a form to access the document. These forms typically ask for basic personal information, like name and email address, or registration on a website.

Why Use Marketing Ebooks?

According to statistics 65% of B2B companies use ebooks in their content marketing campaigns. Businesses can talk about their industry and services, moreover, ebooks are considered one of the most powerful marketing tools and can gain traction if the content is valuable to the end user. One cannot confuse a company brochure with an eBook. An ebook is a “how to” problem-solving guide. It is meant for the reader to gain insights and use the lesson in their own business.

Benefits to marketing using eBooks:

  • eBooks can increase brand awareness
  • eBooks can attract high-quality leads
  • eBooks can build credibility, authority, and trust
  • eBooks can help you become an industry leader and help you stand out from the competition
  • eBooks can improve your marketing strategies

When writing and marketing your ebooks it’s easy to think you need to deliver the definitive ebook, but that is usually not the case because the chances are someone has already written something similar the difference is you have your own arena of followers who you can market and advertise to and they won’t go elsewhere and over time will become loyal to you.

Your ebook may be a subscriber incentive, you should make your book appealing without making it into a bible. If you give all your secrets away why should your readers bother coming back?

eBooks Increase Brand Awareness

When creating ebooks you can target specific niche audiences. This is beneficial if people have never heard of you. It helps to promote brand awareness.

Some businesses may seek help from market research agencies and may conduct market research surveys on a specific topic. thus putting all the information together in a marketing ebook.

By giving a brief snippet of what your book is about, you will capture people’s curiosity and anyone interested in your content will want to download it.

eBooks Attract High-Quality Leads

Marketing ebooks are probably the most popular and effective strategy for generating relevant leads. However knowing how to write an ebook, format it and convert it into different versions is another ball game, not to mention if you wish to publish and distribute it for sale. I have therefore written an ebook on “how to Create aneBook”. There are a few things you should know one of them is a sloppy ebook will do you no favors so it needs to be well-written and proofread.

eBooks are the perfect solution if you want to expand your network, and gain followers and possible clientele.

The most important part of you being the author of your eBook is that you gain credibility and become an industry leader in your field.

Your ebook by far must be a problem-solving guide so that your readers gain knowledge. Your ebook should inspire, and motivate people to create their own ebooks.

Your ebook should be just about building an email list although your followers will appreciate any other books you may publish in the future.

Your ebook should showcase the products and services that you provide, by showing your expertise. It should also be a representation of your brand and what you can do for the reader should they decide to call on you.

eBooks Build Authority, Credibility, And Trust

In order to convince people that you are better than your competitors, you need to establish yourself as an industry leader who has authority over the industry and extensive knowledge of the business you are marketing.

Write about a topic that you have extensive knowledge in or if you are a content writer you can extend your knowledge through research. A business owner who would like to have an ebook but perhaps may not have time to create one may call on ghostwriters to collaborate with marketing agencies to help them generate leads.

To position yourself as an industry leader you have to show your audience you are credible and that the products and services you are marketing are of high caliber, you have to show that you are an expert in your field. A well-written marketing ebook will open up new opportunities that can lead to new clients. If you succeed in gaining the trust of your target group, your sales will skyrocket.

eBooks Help You Become An Industry Leader

If you want to stay ahead of the competition you have to be the best of the best. You have to go above and beyond your call of duty.

When writing your book concentrate on what you are teaching. The book is not about you it is about the knowledge you have gained that you want to pass on to others. You must create content that stands out from the crowd in a saturated market.

Your book should be about problem-solving and you can link certain points of the book to the services you provide for example I have added links to my content writing, blog development, and internet marketing in strategic places that do not take away the focus of what the book is about. My readers may want a helping hand with proofreading, website design, or digital marketing.

eBooks Improve Your Marketing Strategy

Your ebook should be educational, informative, inspiring, and insightful. In order to market your ebook you need to be familiar with search engine optimization and you should start with a landing page, blog, or article.

You should also have a network of connections you can share your article, including social media platforms, groups, and pages. In my book, I talk about SEO link wheels and how having multiple blogs and websites helps to generate traffic from multiple directions using an exact-match searchable keyword or phrase domain names.

If you run a blog you will be familiar with blog posts, these are an excellent starting point for marketing your articles which you can monetize with affiliate links and at the same time have a subscribe and download form ready for your readers.

Where you have written articles on the subject matter you can expand your ebook with more detailed information about a particular topic, improving their content marketing strategy. With ebooks, you can elaborate in-depth concepts and ideas.

An ebook allows the consumer to have your content on hand as a handy guide that can be downloaded and read on their preferred choice of device.

eBooks are by far one of the most powerful converting lead magnets that you will ever need in your marketing strategy.

Hopefully, the teachings of this article and the ebook will bring you sales, leads, and conversions.

Get your Free eBook on “How to Create an eBook”. New Updated Version – 11/12/22

Keep your business moving forward Generate Instant Publicity!

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December 2022
