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Category: DISABILITIES (Page 1 of 2)

Disabilities could mean physical, mental or both.

List of Mental Disabilities (A-Z) as Follows:


Absence seizure
Acute stress disorder
Adjustment disorder
Alcohol abuse
Alcohol addiction
Alcohol dependence
Alcohol withdrawal
Alcoholic hallucinosis
Alice in Wonderland syndrome
Alzheimer’s disease
Amnestic disorder (Amnesia)
Amphetamine dependence
Anorexia nervosa
Anterograde amnesia
Antisocial behavior
Antisocial personality disorder
Anxiety disorder
Asperger syndrome
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
Attenuated psychosis syndrome
Autism spectrum disorder
Avoidant personality disorder
Avoidant/restrictive food intake disorder
Atypical depression


Binge eating disorder
Bipolar disorder
Body dysmorphic disorder
Borderline intellectual functioning
Borderline personality disorder
Breathing-related sleep disorder
Brief psychotic disorder
Bulimia nervosa


Caffeine-induced anxiety disorder
Caffeine-induced sleep disorder
Caffeine dependence
Caffeine withdrawal
Cannabis dependence
Capgras delusion
Catalepsy (Narcolepsy)
Catatonic schizophrenia
Childhood amnesia
Childhood disintegrative disorder
Childhood onset fluency disorder
Child neglect
Circadian rhythm sleep disorder
Cocaine dependence
Cocaine intoxication
Cognitive disorder
Communication disorder
Conduct disorder
Conversion disorder
Cotard delusion
Cyclothymic disorder


Delusional disorder
Delusional parasitosis (Ekbom’s syndrome)
Dependent personality disorder
Depersonalization disorder
Depression (mood)
Depressive personality disorder
Developmental coordination disorder
Diogenes syndrome
Disinhibited social engagement disorder
Disorder of written expression
Disruptive mood dysregulation disorder
Dissociative amnesia (Psychogenic amnesia)
Dissociative identity disorder
Down syndrome
Drug withdrawal


Erectile disorder
Excoriation disorder
Exhibitionistic disorder
Expressive language disorder


Factitious disorder
Female sexual arousal/interest disorder
Folie à deux (Shared psychotic disorder)
Fregoli delusion
Frotteuristic Disorder
Fugue state


Gambling disorder
Ganser syndrome
General adaptation syndrome
Generalized anxiety disorder
Grandiose delusions


Hallucinogen persisting perception disorder
Haltlose personality disorder
Histrionic personality disorder
Hoarding disorder
Huntington’s disease
Hyperkinetic syndrome
Hypoactive sexual desire disorder
Hypomanic episode


Illness anxiety disorder (Hypochondriasis)
Impostor syndrome
Impulse control disorder
Inhalant use disorder
Intellectual development disorder
Intermittent explosive disorder
Internet gaming disorder


Korsakoff’s syndrome


Lacunar amnesia
Language disorder
Learning disorder


Major depressive disorder
Major depressive episode
Maladaptive daydreaming
Male erectile disorder
Minor depressive disorder
Mood disorder
Morbid jealousy
Munchausen syndrome
Munchausen by proxy
Mixed episode


Narcissistic personality disorder
Neurodevelopmental disorder
Neuroleptic-related disorder
Nicotine dependence
Nicotine withdrawal
Night eating syndrome
Nightmare disorder
Non-suicidal self-injury


Obsessive-compulsive disorder
Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder
Obsessive love disorder
Opioid dependence
Opioid use disorder
Oppositional defiant disorder
Orthorexia nervosa
Other specified feeding or eating disorder


Pain disorder
Panic disorder
Paranoid personality disorder
Parkinson’s disease
Passive-aggressive personality disorder
Pathological gambling
Pedophilic disorder
Persecutory delusion
Persistent complex bereavement disorder (Complicated grief disorder)
Persistent depressive disorder (Dysthymia)
Personality disorder
Pervasive developmental disorder
Pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified
Phencyclidine-related disorder
Phobic disorder (Phobia)
Phonological disorder (Speech disorder)
Physical abuse
Pica (disorder)
Polysubstance-related disorder
Postpartum depression
Posttraumatic embitterment disorder
Posttraumatic stress disorder
Premature ejaculation
Premenstrual dysphoric disorder
Primary hypersomnia
Provisional tic disorder
Pseudologia fantastica (Pathological lying)
Psychogenic amnesia
Psychoneurotic personality disorder
Psychotic disorder (Psychosis)


Reactive attachment disorder
Reading disorder
Recurrent brief depression
Relational disorder
REM sleep behavior disorder
Residual schizophrenia
Restless legs syndrome
Retrograde amnesia
Retts disorder
Rumination syndrome


Sadistic personality disorder
Schizoaffective disorder
Schizoid personality disorder
Schizophreniform disorder
Schizotypal personality disorder
Seasonal affective disorder
Sedative-, hypnotic-, or anxiolytic-related disorder
Selective mutism
Self-defeating personality disorder
Separation anxiety disorder
Shared psychotic disorder
Sleep disorder
Sleep terror disorder
Sleep paralysis
Sleepwalking disorder
Social anxiety disorder (Social phobia)
Somatic symptom disorder
Somatization disorder
Stendhal syndrome
Stereotypic movement disorder
Stockholm syndrome
Substance-related disorder


Tardive dyskinesia
Tourette syndrome
Transient global amnesia
Transvestic disorder
Truman syndrome


Undifferentiated somatoform disorder (Somatic symptom disorder)


Voyeuristic disorder

Empowering Individuals with Mental Health Conditions to Thrive in the Workplace: Pension Secretary Mel Stride’s Vision

Mental health awareness is steadily gaining recognition, it is reassuring to see government officials taking concrete steps to address the unique challenges faced by individuals with mental health conditions. Pensions Secretary Mel Stride has recently announced an encouraging initiative—a new consultation aimed at encouraging people with mental health conditions to work. This forward-thinking approach reflects a growing awareness of the potential of these individuals and a commitment to creating a more inclusive and supportive work environment.

Breaking Down the Stigma

Mental health has long been a topic shrouded in stigma and misunderstanding. For years, individuals grappling with mental health conditions have faced prejudice and discrimination in various aspects of life, including employment. This new consultation seeks to break down these barriers and promote a more inclusive and compassionate society.

One of the fundamental aspects of this initiative is addressing the misconceptions that surround mental health. By fostering open and honest conversations, Mel Stride aims to create an environment where individuals can comfortably disclose their mental health conditions without fear of discrimination or bias. This is an essential step in reducing the stigma and promoting a culture of empathy and understanding.

Creating Supportive Workplaces

The workplace plays a pivotal role in the lives of most individuals. It is where they spend a significant portion of their time and derive their livelihood. It is also an arena where individuals with mental health conditions can face unique challenges. Recognizing this, the consultation aims to encourage employers to take proactive measures in creating supportive work environments.

One of the key aspects of this initiative is providing resources and guidance to employers on how to accommodate employees with mental health conditions. This includes offering flexible work arrangements, providing access to mental health support services, and implementing anti-stigma campaigns within the workplace. By equipping employers with the tools to support their employees’ mental health, the government is actively promoting a more inclusive and nurturing work culture.

Promoting Equal Opportunities

The consultation also underscores the importance of providing individuals with mental health conditions equal opportunities for personal and professional growth. Mel Stride’s vision is not merely about getting people into jobs but ensuring that they have the chance to thrive and progress in their careers.

To achieve this, the government plans to work closely with employers and organizations to promote initiatives that foster career development for individuals with mental health conditions. This may include mentorship programs, training opportunities, and support for entrepreneurship endeavors. By leveling the playing field, the consultation aims to ensure that individuals with mental health conditions can pursue their aspirations with confidence.

Pros and Cons of Getting Mental Health People back to work, for employers and employees

Getting individuals with mental health conditions back to work can have both advantages and disadvantages for both employers and employees. It’s important to consider these factors carefully to create a supportive and productive work environment. Here are some pros and cons for both parties:

For Employers:


  1. Diverse and Inclusive Workforce: Hiring individuals with mental health conditions promotes diversity and inclusion in the workplace, which can lead to a more creative and innovative work environment.
  2. Skilled and Dedicated Employees: Many individuals with mental health conditions are highly skilled, dedicated, and motivated workers who can contribute positively to the organization.
  3. Tax Benefits and Incentives: In some regions, employers may receive tax benefits or incentives for hiring individuals with disabilities, including mental health conditions.
  4. Reduced Turnover: By providing support and accommodations, employers can reduce turnover rates and retain valuable employees.


  1. Accommodation Costs: Employers may need to invest in accommodations and support services, such as flexible work hours or workspace modifications, which can incur additional costs.
  2. Productivity Challenges: There may be periods of reduced productivity or absenteeism due to the employee’s mental health condition, which can impact overall team performance.
  3. Training and Awareness: Employers need to invest in training and awareness programs to educate staff on mental health issues and create a supportive environment.
  4. Potential Legal Issues: Failing to provide reasonable accommodations or discriminating against employees with mental health conditions can result in legal consequences.
  5. Potential Health & Safety Issues: Employing someone with mental health issues can present challenges related to potential health and safety concerns in the workplace. These may include situations where an employee’s condition affects their ability to focus, make sound judgments, or maintain emotional stability, potentially leading to accidents or errors that compromise safety. Moreover, depending on the nature and severity of the mental health condition, there may be instances when the employee’s actions or behaviors could pose a risk to themselves or others. Employers must carefully assess the specific circumstances and provide appropriate support and accommodations to mitigate these potential health and safety issues while fostering a safe and inclusive work environment.

For Employees:


  1. Financial Stability: Returning to work provides financial stability and a sense of purpose, which can positively impact an individual’s mental health.
  2. Social Interaction: Work can offer social interactions, support networks, and a sense of belonging that may be lacking during periods of unemployment.
  3. Skill Development: Employment can provide opportunities for skill development, career advancement, and personal growth.
  4. Sense of Achievement: Successfully managing work despite a mental health condition can boost self-esteem and a sense of achievement.


  1. Stigma and Discrimination: Employees with mental health conditions may face stigma, discrimination, or lack of understanding from colleagues or supervisors.
  2. Stress and Pressure: Balancing work and mental health can be challenging, leading to increased stress or exacerbating symptoms.
  3. Possible Disclosure Challenges: Disclosing a mental health condition to an employer can be difficult, as individuals may fear negative consequences or judgment.
  4. Adjustment Period: Returning to work after a mental health-related absence may require an adjustment period, during which individuals may face challenges in adapting to the work environment.


Pensions Secretary Mel Stride’s announcement of a new consultation to encourage people with mental health conditions to work is a commendable step towards a more inclusive and empathetic society. By breaking down stigma, creating supportive workplaces, and promoting equal opportunities, this initiative acknowledges the potential of individuals with mental health conditions and seeks to empower them to contribute meaningfully to the workforce.

As the consultation unfolds, it is essential for all stakeholders, from government officials to employers and advocacy groups, to actively participate in shaping policies and practices that will make a real difference in the lives of those affected by mental health conditions. Ultimately, the success of this initiative will be measured by the positive impact it has on individuals’ lives, their well-being, and their sense of belonging in the workforce.

The decision to get individuals with mental health conditions back to work should be based on careful consideration of the specific circumstances, needs, and support systems in place. Creating an inclusive and supportive work environment, along with appropriate accommodations and awareness, can maximize the benefits while minimizing the challenges for both employers and employees.

Further Reading

Disability benefit changes will encourage people with mental health conditions into work, minister claims (

DWP accused of forcing jobseekers to apply for roles they’re ‘entirely unsuitable for’ (

Benefit reforms to help thousands back to work will ‘increase anxiety’ for disabled people (

Disabled could be offered more support to work from home under benefits reforms (

Mentally Disabled Are Being Forced to Work – Instead Start a Business Today! | DISABLED ENTREPRENEUR – DISABILITY UK


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#backtowork #mentalhealth #mentalhealthemplyment #employment #pensionsecretary #melstride #mentalhealthstigma #mentalhealthdiscrimination

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Smoke Alarm Testing Residential Properties & Hearing Loss.

Smoke Alarm Testing Residential Properties & Hearing Loss.

I am a private tenant and have lived at this property (a two-bedroom flat) for the best part of 24 years. It seems a lifetime I know, and I could have bought a house but I have never been in a position to invest. Instead, I invest in digital real estate.

My article is about the hearing loss I have due to the extremely loud smoke alarms and heat detectors.

I have had two smoke alarms (landing /living room) and one heat detector in the kitchen in the last 3 years installed and have endured other incidents by an incompetent electrical company that has scammed my landlord and caused me monetary loss as well as health issues.

Does spraying smoke from an aerosol need to be done by a qualified electrician or can anyone do it?, it is laughable: Smoke Alarm Tester Sprays. To think my landlord has been charged for this and then passes the cost on to the tenant with rent rises.

My Digital Real Estate I Own.

Living in a residential property that does not belong to you, limits you with what you can and can’t say. The company that is scamming my landlord thinks I know jack sh#t about the law.

As a website designer, digital marketer, and content writer, I make it my business to learn about regulations.

I am actively promoting my client by coincidence is on the first page of search engines namely Google for the search terms ‘electricians wales’ and landlord ‘safety checks’.

So my grievance is with an electrical company that my landlord hires and has caused me considerable emotional distress, health issues as well as monetary loss. It rattles me that not only have I had hearing problems which are documented in other articles I have written, I now have to have my morning disrupted because my word is not good enough to confirm my alarms and detector are working properly.

This is my client which I highly recommend.



This is what the government says:

The Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm (England) Regulations 2015 came into force on 1 October 2015.

The Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm (Amendment) Regulations 2022 will come into force on 1 October 2022. From that date, all relevant landlords must:

1. Ensure at least one smoke alarm is equipped on each storey of their homes where a room is used as living accommodation. This has been a legal requirement in the private rented sector since 2015.

2. Ensure a carbon monoxide alarm is equipped in any room used as living accommodation that contains a fixed combustion appliance (excluding gas cookers).

3. Ensure smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms are repaired or replaced once informed and found that they are faulty.

The requirements are enforced by local authorities who can impose a fine of up to £5,000 if a landlord fails to comply with a remedial notice.

This booklet provides information about the requirements, who they apply to, and how they are enforced. It is designed as a Q&A to cover the most common situations but it is not intended to cover every scenario, nor should it be seen as a substitute for reading the Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm (England) Regulations 2022.

These regulations should be considered alongside other relevant laws on fire and carbon monoxide safety in rented homes such as the Housing Act 2004, the Fire Safety Act 2021, and the Building Safety Act 2022.

It is the department’s intention to ensure this booklet is updated whenever there are changes, but it is the landlord’s responsibility to ensure that they are applying the relevant laws correctly.

If, after reading this booklet, you are not clear whether or how the requirements apply to your individual circumstances you should seek legal advice.

Separate guidance is available for local authorities.

Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm (Amendment) Regulations 2022: guidance for landlords and tenants – GOV.UK (


So in the last 2-3 years, I have had this company, ‘ come to the property I rent, and this is what a sh#t show they have done up to now (or should I say have not in some cases).

  1. Carried Out a landlord safety inspection but did not provide a copy of the report to me because I could easily have argued and could have pulled them up about the fact my chandelier and the dimmer switch were never tested in my living room plus other things in the list. I do not use it as a consequence and just have floor lamps).
  2. The extension lead from the back of my washing machine was never hardwired. So if the washing machine sprung a leak there is an electric cable extension trailing on the floor.
  3. They failed to notice the hotspot behind my cooker which caused me a lot of money in takeouts one Christmas (Documented).
  4. They scammed the landlord by installing two lights on my landing on the same loop so when one lightbulb goes, it trips the second light, defeating the object of having to change a light bulb above a 30ft drop as it is situated directly on top of my stairs.
  5. They installed two smoke alarms on one floor and a heat detector in the kitchen (saying I needed a heat detector in the kitchen, a smoke alarm in my on the landing (10ft apart) as well as in the living room by law). Another scam for my landlord. It makes no sense to have a heat detector in the kitchen because the kitchen does get hot from the cooking especially if you have the hobs and oven on at the same time.
  6. They insist on checking each smoke alarm once a year even though it should be checked by anyone who is competent (insinuating I am not).

My smoke alarms work especially if we are cooking and when this happens, all three alarms go off at the same time.

Where do smoke alarms need to be located?

According to the GOV.UK Regulations it does not stipulate where the alarms should be placed.

At least one smoke alarm should be installed on every floor used as living accommodation.

Landlords should follow the individual manufacturer’s instructions when installing the alarms. However, in general, smoke alarms should be fixed to the ceiling in a circulation space, i.e. a hall or a landing.

Your local fire and rescue authority may be able to provide further advice on installation or you can download fire safety information from

Can Smoke Alarms & Heat Detectors Damage Hearing?

Since having these alarms installed my hearing is not so good, I experience headaches and a constant humming noise in both ears. The volume on my devices has to be turned up to the max for me to hear. I cannot hear my doorbell which tells me my hearing is damaged.

The sheer volume of noise isn’t everything and the distance you are from the source of the sound and how long you are exposed to it is just as important as the noise.

Sound intensity doubles with every increase of 3 decibels so even though the sound of a car horn may not sound twice as loud as a vacuum cleaner, the intensity levels make it seem so. That is why, if you are working in a noisy environment with sound levels in the region of 80-85dB, you should be wearing protective hearing headsets. 

For sounds in the region of 110 – 120dB, short exposure is enough to cause lasting hearing damage.

Prolonged and repeated exposure to loud noises can damage your hearing and if you stand next to a smoke alarm for a long period of time, it can damage your hearing (I am about 10ft away when I am sitting down and working, and have to switch/reset all the alarms which may take a few minutes because both my daughter and I are disabled and cannot move very fast and cannot reach because the ceilings are very high.

Though the point of a smoke alarm is to get you out of the vicinity of a fire so this is rarely an issue. The louder the noise is and the longer you are exposed to it, the higher the risk to your hearing.

My Landlord.

On the imminent appointment (which I could do without), scheduled tomorrow to have my alarms tested because I am obviously not trusted or capable enough to test them myself, I not only will have to contend with the deafening noise of 3 x 85 decibels = 255 decibels, but they will have to disconnect my electricity because the alarms are connected to the flat below me. (I would not be so p#ssed if it was one alarm but there are three that will go off simultaneously and one of the alarms is about 10 feet away from where I work. When these alarms set off they hurt my ears).

How can I protect my health and work at the same time?

I am keeping a record of everything that happens with this company and my landlord.

My alarms work fine because there is one heat detector in the kitchen which is very sensitive and sets off all the rest. I have reduced my cooking because of the price rises in the cost of living but that is another story.

Update 26/08/22

The electrician arrived and knocked on my door and when he did not get an answer he opened the door and came to my stairs. (My daughter was a witness).

I normally do not lock my flat door because the flat is a terraced house converted to two apartments and there is a front door that is locked before anyone can get to my door. You would think I should feel safe in my home, but obviously, people that do not get a response from knocking think they have a license to just let themselves in…

No word of a lie he puffed an aerosol can on the alarms, waited for them to go off, and left. He did not switch off the electrics like the last guy a year ago. It most probably took the guy today all of two minutes from start to finish, I wonder how much he charged for this?

How should a tenant test their alarms to check they are in working order?

Testing of smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms does not require specialist skills or knowledge and should be straightforward for tenants to do.

Landlords should consider providing residents with a demonstration and/or instructions to support residents’ understanding of how, and how often, to test their smoke alarms and make sure they are in working order. Landlords should follow the individual manufacturer’s instructions for testing alarms and consider sharing these instructions with tenants to support regular testing.


Would I recommend this company to anyone to anyone? most definitely not, they are a bunch of cowboys!

They do not know what they are doing, they are not on the first page of search engines and their website looks like an amateur has done it which tells me they are not making much money otherwise they would afford a Professional Website Designer.

This now gives me the perfect opportunity to promote and market my client who is professional and knows what he is doing. If I could dictate to my landlord who he should choose to hire then I would most definitely have recommended my client.

For those of you that are in need of a Landlord Safety Inspection, I highly recommend

Update 28/11/22

I think this muppet company (E+- (abbreviated), am not disclosing their business name for legal reasons) is out to scam landlords because, from the original post date of this article in August of this year, I was surprised the same muppets turned up at my property unannounced to say they were doing a smoke alarm test. I replied you did one six months ago but in reality, it was three months ago and the electrician’s reply was that they have to very six months (good luck with that in three months’ time because I bet you a bottom dollar I am not letting them in).

I told my landlord’s assistant who said she had texted me over the weekend. If I did not reply that would have meant I did not get the text.

But what shocked me was that this electrician entered my flat without waiting to be invited. What would have happened if I was not in? he could have had free reign and helped himself to my valuables. What if I had just had a shower and was half-dressed? You do not enter rented accommodation without acknowledgment from the tenant. I did not acknowledge the text because I never received it.

On further investigation, this company does not have a cookie banner on its website, so if they track you with Google Analytics cookies you are none the wiser. They have a simple landing page with no privacy policy or terms and conditions. The quality of the website speaks volumes about the quality of their workmanship. I personally believe they are not credible and I by rights should be reported to for breaching GDPR.

#landlordsafetyinspections #electricianswales #smokedetectortesting #smokealarmtesting #hearingloss #smokedetectorhearingloss #dodgytraders #dodgyelectricians #electricianscardiff

Unprofessional Cardiff Gas Engineers – No PPE.

Unprofessional Gas Engineers!


(As per date of publication).

This is a personal experience I have endured with a local Cardiff Gas Engineer today.

I had an appointment yesterday for a consultation and re-scheduled all my appointments to fit in with the engineer arriving as I have a fault with low pressure and my combi-boiler cutting out at least twice a day.

(I do not like conducting my business in front of my landlord or the contractors he sends out, even though I once specifically asked the landlord not to turn up because I had an important call, he purposely ignored my request and turned up anyway. He did not forget because I reminded him half an hour earlier and he agreed he would not, yet he still turned up).

The engineer yesterday was a no-show, they never phoned or texted they could not make it. So I lost a day’s work waiting for them (I do not like discussing my business in front of contractors).

Seeing as I was not paying for the call-out I was not going to chase them and thought no more of it until a day later, as the matter was not urgent or an emergency, and I attempted to go about my day, trying to catch up from the day before.

The Gas Engineer Broke The Law!

I gave strict instructions if they were outside my property to phone or text me as I have a problem with my hearing and cannot hear the doorbell if I am on my own.

However today my daughter was with me and she would hear the bell if it were pressed, (which was not), I will come to this in a moment.

So my daughter and I are in the middle of working when she hears someone walking up our stairs calling my name (I could not hear anything as I am partially deaf). She answers and goes to see who it was, and a man she did not recognize is on the stairs inside our property. He never rang the bell or knocked on the door, just walked in unexpectedly and unannounced.

Entering a property unlawfully is called trespassing and one cannot just enter uninvited or pre-arranged unless it is an emergency or in the case of the Police, a warrant. *The thing is I have a witness and I made an unofficial complaint to the building contractor the following day.


I then got up and realized it was the engineer. I immediately said you were supposed to come yesterday and he replied “oh, was I”, with no apology or anything…(totally ignorant and rude). I did not want to kick off and say “have you never heard of knocking”?

NO FACEMASK (Regulations at the time of publication of this article)

I noted he was not wearing a facemask and I said hold on I will go get my facemask to which he replied: “do you want me to put one on”.

It is actually mandatory to wear a facemask when visiting residential properties, whereby the resident is present:

I suspect they were trying their luck hoping no one was in.

The landlord should not have given them keys so I think this was planned because why else would they have had keys to the property if they knew 100% someone would be in?

There is something quite off with this now that I am thinking about it.


The engineer told me to show how low the pressure gauge drops but that meant I had to be less than a foot away from him as my kitchen is a confined space with only room for one person. I was reluctant to go anywhere near him but had no choice but to comply with his wishes.


Contractor must wash their hands and sanitize them before touching anything and that did not happen. In fact, he even leaned on the banister touching freshly washed clothes with his outer clothing that could have potentially cross-contaminated any pathogens he may have carried on his uniform. My daughter after he had gone had to re-wash her clothes and sanitize all the surfaces he had touched including the boiler.


At this stage, I did not want to make waves and went to put my mask on even though he should have had one on without asking me if I wanted him to or not. I felt had I insisted he wears his mask it would have caused animosity.


I explained the problem I was having to adjust the pressure twice a day every day and this is where it got personal. I have known this engineer for the length of time of my tenancy and over the years I have told him I suffer from OCD. I am not ashamed to say it and I am an advocate and editor for mental health on my online journal this is where my daughter and I picked up on his insensitive and rather rude remark and what he said: “Are you sure you that you have to adjust the gauge twice a day or are you just saying it because you are high on your meds” he continued to say, although I did not hear him say it, however, my daughter did “I must be special or a lunatic”.

I have a witness to what he said.

People who have mental health issues should not be humiliated and made a mockery of, not everyone with mental health issues is going to be a patient of mental asylums which I felt was what he was insinuating.

I am so tempted to name and shame him and the company he represents and give them bad press.


He insinuated I was making things up told my daughter to make track of how many times I adjusted the boiler without telling me and also insinuated that both my daughter and I were lying about the leaking radiator, which was not leaking in front of him. He did however state he would be coming back next week to fix the radiator that was hanging off the wall in another room.


Considering he turned up unannounced and I excused myself and said I had to get back to my work and he went “yer right” like I was making it up or something and he did not believe me.


It was approximately a year ago that he came out to install my cooker I bought that could not be fitted at the time of delivery because I had a problem with my “Hot Zone” in the kitchen whereby another local Cardiff Electricians (I am not mentioning any names but I did tell my landlord about their incompetence at the time when he had to rewire my electrics) failed to notice the problem when they did an electrical inspection. When I mentioned this to the Gas engineer he too did not know what a “Hot Zone” was either until I sent him a link.

He told me I should not report the electricians and should not start making waves. I took that he was threatening me in some way.

Also when I mentioned that I may have had a leak in the pipes last week phone to the gas engineers director, he said floorboards would have to be pulled up I corrected him and said a thermal camera would spot the leak which costs about £700 and he said no one in Cardiff has anything like that. Some people do not like being corrected and a gadget like that is an investment to any plumber and they should have it as part of their tools.

So for me not to have a cooker over Christmas and New Year 2019/2020 as I could not get it fitted because the electrics needed re-wiring was not a big problem to anyone other than me who spent £1,500 on take-outs over a period of two months for myself and my family as I could not cook any food. Who is going to compensate me for this? This is why I am documenting everything and I have receipts.


I feel I am being humiliated and intimidated by these engineers as they are friendly with my landlord and anything I say to any of the contractors goes back to my landlord.


This type of disrespect, humiliation, and intimidation is causing emotional distress. Who can I complain to about rogue contractors and unprofessional traders? This is why I am unwell because people do not abide by rules and Covid Regulations and are very judgemental. Some people simply think they are better than you and will try to ridicule you as in the case today.


I will not mention this company other than they are not on the first page of Google for the search terms “Cardiff Gas Engineers” and have a hyphen in their domain name. But what I will do is document everything and go out of my way to help one of their competitors because they should not be making waves with me.

I have in fact most recently renewed the domain name and originally was going to make the domain into a directory of “Cardiff Gas Engineers” purposely to exclude them, but now I will help any company other than them.

People underestimate me and what I do and am capable of.

It is unprofessional to be personal to a tenant and make a mockery of their disability regardless of whether their disability is physical or mental.

I once had a detective (CID) demoted to a police constable for entering my property unannounced and without a warrant, and I still suffer PTSD from that which has brought back memories. This is added to my emotional distress.

Also, one is not exempt from wearing facemasks, even though some may think they do.

It is not the first time other engineers working for the same company in question have visited my property without wearing facemasks and I have complained previously. But if I was to again I suspect I would be complaining about the partner of the business as I believe he is also a friend of the landlord and I guess he feels invincible.

If he mocked me about my mental health and medication he would have also mocked my landlord who also suffers from mental health problems.

I feel if someone complains too much is then deemed as a nuisance, so I have to keep my mouth shut but have learned over time to document everything.


Imagine if my daughter and I were not home and he let himself in, my insurance would become void.

Another scenario could have been, my daughter or I could have been half-dressed coming out of the bathroom or bedroom as was the case with the detective many moons ago.


A landlord, the contractor, or the letting agent needs to give you 24 hours’ notice before entering your rented premises unless it is an emergency. They cannot walk in unless they have notified you first when they are arriving and even then, they cannot just walk in if they know someone is present. The resident needs to agree and give consent.

When you rent a property from a landlord it becomes your home. A landlord, contractor, or letting agent, should only enter the property without you being there, if you have given prior permission for them to do so, or if it is a genuine emergency.

While your landlord, contractor, or letting agent will need to gain access to the property to carry out inspections, repairs, and maintenance, the law says that they must give you 24-hour written notice.


Should you wish to make a complaint about your landlord and you live in Wales, you should contact “Rent Smart Wales”:


If you wish to make a complaint about a Gas Engineer visit the following site:


Remember whatever you do there are consequences to your actions. If you report your landlord he /she may serve you an eviction notice. The same goes with engineers they may try to sue you, so you have to have the evidence documented and have a plan A and plan B before you start complaining.


Oh, I forgot to mention as he was leaving he said to my daughter I had successfully wasted his time. Even though he recognized the radiator needed fixing and said he would and I quote “have to book it in”, yet had no regard that I had to pay people yesterday to manage the chat widgets on my client’s sites and could not monitor them properly this morning as I was rudely interrupted, in fact, I had a missed chat today and my client noticed which does not look good for me. So wasting my time is fine?…



I made an indirect complaint to the contractor that came to work in my bathroom today, something different from the gas engineer’s job yesterday, knowing that my disdain will get back to my landlord. Even the contractor agreed the Gas Engineer was out of order and that I should make an official complaint. Let’s see what transpires next week when he has to return to fix the radiator in one of the bedrooms, I will be having words with him one to one, and I will record him in stealth mode if he bothers to turn up.


As you can imagine he failed to return.

#landlordsandtenants #renting #yourrights #rentsmartwales #mentalhealth #unprofessional #gasengineers #gasengineersppe #ppe #facemasks #washinghands #handsanitizer

Disabled Entrepreneur UK Rebranding.

Disabled Entrepreneur UK is a speaking website to help people both with physical and mental disabilities find inspiration and share their stories. It has a vast list of organizations and charities to contact.

At “Disabled Entrepreneur UK” the aim is to include a forum a job search, a social media app, a gift shop, and also a periodical in the near future.

Disabled Entrepreneur UK is in the process of rebranding as we have found not many people can spell ‘entrepreneur’.

We are looking to make our domain name short, easy to spell, and memorable.

We will update you in due course and will keep the domain name but have the new domain forwarded to it.

If you have any questions or would like to add feedback please use the form below to contact us.

#disabledentrepreneur #disabledentrepreneuruk #disableduk #disabilitiesuk

Money Worries & Mental Health

Money Problems and Poor Mental Health.

Money Worries.

It is with no surprise that mental health is affected by financial worries, with an astonishing 9.5 million Brits suffering from mental health issues due to money worries. More than 18 million UK adults worry about money on a daily basis with a third saying their sleep is affected.

Therefore utility companies should not be intimidating and be wolves at the door if your bill payment is a few days late. They need to show compassion and be more understanding rather than harass people. Landlords should also take into consideration a person, personal circumstances before demanding money at short notice, 30 days notice is not adequate time if you have not put into place a surplus amount of money that you can use should the creditor increase their prices by an astronomical amount over the rate of inflation. Just because a property rental price is lower than the average price, says if a tenant did not agree with the prices they would have no option but to pay the average cost or move to an entirely new area. However, if the tenant needs to be in the area for business reasons and they have been a long-term tenant this says that the person has stayed in the area for a reason. Therefore if a landlord deliberately makes s a person get into debt which in turn causes mental health issues, the landlord should then be liable for the ill health of a person.

Some people can manage their money to a certain degree whilst others find it very difficult.

Feeling your financial circumstances are too much to bear, often people try to avoid the problem hoping somehow it will go away, but it never does, and the more you ignore it the worse the situation will become.

It is a well-known fact that people struggling with money have a link to poor mental health.

Below I will address the following categories:

  • What is the definition of poor mental wellbeing?
  • Can poor mental health affect the way you deal with money?
  • What if you feel everything has become too much and very overwhelming?
  • How to return to the drawing board and try and re-budget your finance?
  • Are there organizations I can try to get free debt help?
  • How to Deal with creditors?
  • What should you do if you have been unfairly treated?
  • How to manage your expenditure whilst you’re in the hospital?
  • What Benefits are there you can claim if you have poor mental health?
  • If someone you know is struggling with mental health and financial issues, how to help them?
  • If you cannot manage your money yourself who can help you?
  • Getting extra support for mental health?

What is the definition of poor mental wellbeing?

If you are finding that your mental health is being affected because of your financial circumstances and life is starting to be very overwhelming with sadness, stress, and anxiety, you may be experiencing poor mental well being which you need to contact a health professional like your local GP.

Poor mental wellbeing is when you experience the loss of a loved one (grief) feeling lonely or in despair, having relationship issues, or money worries or your physical health is not so good or you may even have problems at work. Most of the time we know what is causing us to feel low and we need to admit to ourselves that we do have a problem and learn how to deal with it. By simply ignoring the problem or being in denial will only make matters worse.

If you are feeling very low to the extent you may be having suicidal thoughts because of your money worries, you need to talk to a friend, family, neighbour or stranger otherwise call 999 if you are in immediate danger or give the Samaritans a call on 166 123.

Poor mental health can come at any time and last indefinitely unless treated. Your financial circumstance and worries about money can cause a chain reaction of problems not only to your health but to your day-to-day living.

Mental Health issues such as anxiety depression, sadness, stress, and PTSD can happen to the best of us, and remember you are not alone there are other people out there that most probably going through what you are going through.

Can poor mental health affect the way you deal with money?

Poor mental health being can be an onset of events that have caused you to feel, stress, sadness, sorrow, and despair. Your mental health can cause you to have anxieties, stress, depression, lack of motivation.

Some examples of the domino effects that can cause a chain reaction include:

  • Your income has been affected due to redundancies or could have stopped if you can’t work and are awaiting help from Univeral Credit, Housing Benefit, etc, or have to take time off work. It could also be because your child which is full-time education has turned 19 and you are no longer eligible to claim for your child tax credits even though their expenditure has not changed and you still have to feed them clothe them etc. (This is where the pencil pushers in parliament have not thought this through and have never been in this predicament). This is a loss of £400 per month and how is one supposed to live?
  • Your Landlord decides to give you one month’s notice to increase the rent without giving a thought about your financial circumstance. Even comparing the increase to similar rents in the area. So what happens if you do not agree, he/she will serve you notice to quit and where will you go then? He /she could potentially make you homeless and would he/she care of course they would not.
  • I have a saying “do I need it or do I want it”? If money is tight I weigh up would I be able to put off my wanting for another month. Could I live without whatever it is I want for a while until I could afford it? I have wised up to my financial spending about a decade too late. But now I have a better understanding of what is going in and what is going out. Someone with depression might spend their money on things they don’t need just to make themselves feel better and worry about consequences later, this will eventually become a vicious cycle with more unnecessary debt piling up.
  • People with depression may feel anxious or stressed about doing things like facing people, talking on the phone, going out, or opening their bills.

I am fortunate I do all my banking online and have done away with statements and bills coming through my door, everything is electronically done, I would like to think I am contributing to helping save the planet with zero carbon footprint emissions.

Money Navigator Tool

Are you looking for money guidance, but don’t know where to look? Start with Money Navigator, giving you instant help based on your circumstances.

Remember if you can write down all your going in money as well as your going out you will have a clearer picture of what costs cuts you can make.

Sometimes people that have enough money to live on may worry about money worries just in case they have to break into their savings. With rising costs and people in the human hierarchy importance ladder who simply do not give a damn about your mental health, you have to start fighting for survival and researching different options and how to get over your obstacle.

  • Your current situation may make you feel worried, anxious and nervous, or even depressed. You may have no motivation to face people let alone talk to them.
  • Your current situation may make you more stricter with your spending to the extent that you may not want to spend anything at all even though you may have money in the bank you do not want to dig into your life savings. This can cause anxiety and depression.
  • Your current situation may be the difference between putting food on the table because of people that do not care about your financial predicament and if you can actually afford a price increase. Small businesses should be more understanding and make massive increases to the tune of £80 as in the case of my landlord. (He will one day feel my wrath), he claims he has made repairs and has offset annual inspections that he is obliged to do onto the tenant. (I have so much ammunition on him he won’t know what has hot him).
  • Some people such as myself may find it hard to concentrate on making important decisions or concentrate or stay focused and may not take in all the detailed information and may not be able to manage their money properly.
  • Under Stress, people become forgetful and may not remember to do things.

There is an online tool provided by the NHS that can access you mental health especially if you are affected by financial difficulties NHS Money Worries tool. It does not take long to fill out in fact it only takes five minutes, which will then direct you to specific help based on your answers.

What if you feel everything has become too much and very overwhelming?

There is not one person on this planet that feels happy 24/7. Some may have very good days followed by very low days (Bipolar). Everyone feels low from time to time. Being able to identify the root of the problem is the first step to recovery. If one can pinpoint what is causing you to feel low and have your financial forecast in black and white in front of you (one needs to be ruthless with oneself) be as open and honest with your finances, which will pave a path tackling the problem.

If you cannot shake the persistent feeling of anxiety, worry, and depression off, you should seek medical advice from a health professional such as your pharmacist or GP. Sometimes making the first move and asking for help can be difficult and daunting that is why there are organizations that help you on the road to recovery. Mind has devised a tool called Find the Words, which will help you help you devise a plan of action and what you can say in the preparation of having a consultation with your GP, Nurse, or Pharmacist.

When it comes to financial difficulties the sooner you begin admit you have a problem, the sooner you can to tackle the problem and the easier it will be to take control. However it is understandable that some people may not be able to find the strength to deal with financial issues independantly and may find the whole ordeal overwhelming to the degree it may feel even impossible.

How to return to the drawing board and try and re-budget your finance?

  • Write Down in a Book so you can return to it later all your expenses and all your income. You will see at a glance how you can possibly save some money or juggle your money around. This is a perfect opportunity to manage and budget your money. Give yourself a Petty Cash so you can dip into that rather than your savings.
  • Do some research and find organizations that can help you with your finances
  • Reach out to your friends, family, and healthcare professional if the constant worry about money is so overwhelming that you cannot function properly.
  • Nominate someone you can trust to look after your mail for you, going as far as helping you budget and manage your expenses. Sometimes the thought of opening bills or statements is too much to bear.
  • Contact creditors, banks, and utility companies at the first opportunity and explain your circumstances they may put your debt on hold. If you ignore them this will only make matters worse and the problem will not go away by itself, in fact, it may escalate to debt recovery where your initial debt might double with recovery fees. It is best to just get the bull by the horns and confront your creditors before they do.
  • If you start to feel that life is unbearable and you cannot even face going to work, you must go to your GP to explain your ailments and ask to have a sick note. Contact your manager or HR department to let them know you are unwell. Some companies offer extra employee support, which is free and confidential.
  • If you go to your GP or another health professional and explain your problem, not only will your mental state of mind be logged on their system they may be also able to guide you by providing a Debt and Mental Health Evidence Form, which can help make assure creditors take your mental health problems into account. Only if you are in severe debt financial services may want to see written evidence of a mental health issue, but this is something that should only be discussed if you feel the situation has no way out and you are willing to share your personal data with these organizations. This is not mandatory and you will not be asked to provide medical evidence unless it goes to court.
  • If you a shopping addict or feel that buying something to cheer you up is the solution, when in fact it will only make your finances worse, consider doing something that occupies your mind that does not include browsing the internet with the temptation to spend. Go to your local library and borrow some books that you will be inspired by. If you are arty start painting. Do things that will not cost you an arm and a leg. Download some e-books before turning off the internet for a month or so. Give yourself time to re-rejuvenate.

Visit Money and Mental Health Policy Institute website for a list of recommended tools you can use.

How to return to the drawing board and try and re-budget your finance?

Poor mental health may make not allow you to be focused and may hinder the decision you make, thus avoiding making them at all can cause a domino effect with consequences to one’s actions. When you are starting to feel you are able to tackle your problems you need to be assertive, stay focused and correct the problems you may have. Also, try to safeguard yourself from future issues which may arise, by putting a little away each month if at all possible.

Are there organisations I can try to get free debt help?

  • I have been there when I had a nasty surprise when Norton renewed itself automatically approximately two months before the termination of the contract. I went about removing my card details from their system and every other company that I was not comfortable having my card details. This is the same for most online shopping sites and browsers often remember card details to make it easier and smoother to make purchases. If you feel at risk of making impulsive spending decisions you later regret, remove the auto-filled information from your browser settings.
  • Consider cutting up your cards or have just one for essential shopping, but do away with credit cards at your first opportunity. If you are in debt with credit cards the banks and credit card issuers will be happy for you to offer them something rather than nothing at all. This will also save them time chasing you and they will get their money although albeit it may take them a little longer. Offer something that is reasonable and show them your expenditure report.
  • Download this useful tool The Wellness and Recovery Action Plan (WRAP) that was created by Mary Ellen Copeland and others who have lived experience of mental health issues themselves.
  • Also if you have overspent and regret it, you can cancel or return items so you get the money back.

How to Deal with creditors?

If you have had poor mental health for some time it may be a combination of different things that have happened in your life. One of the reasons could be because you don’t have enough money to pay for the basics, such as food and rent or mortgage or you’re unable to pay your debts.

Although there are many places where you can get free financial help and information, only you know if you have enough money coming in or not to cover your bills.

A debt adviser can help to a certain degree and talk through your money worries and find ways for you to manage your debts, but they may not have all the answers. If you have been good at managing your money and all of a sudden someone throws an unexpected spanner in the works such as a rent increase of £150 for arguments sake, this will throw your budget straight out of the window.

Debt Advisers can suggest solutions you may not know about and can help even if you don’t think you have any spare money to deal with your debt.

A lot of people have felt stress when seeking debt advice; you’re not alone and it’s not a sign of weakness.

You can talk to debt advisers online, on the telephone or face-to-face – however, you feel most comfortable.

Get free debt advice here.

How to Deal with Creditors.

You should never be ashamed or embarrassed about talking about mental health to anyone. It is not a sign of weakness and in fact, speaking about is a sure way of finding the right help to dealing with it. Suffering in silence does not help you if you do not tell anyone how you are feeling. There are millions of people just like yourself in similar situations and if you can find the courage to speak out you have made the first steps to recovery.

If you do not tell anyone how you are feeling how are they supposed to know.

Creditors are human after all and even if they have never experienced stress, anxiety, and depression they may in fact know someone that has and they should be sympathetic towards you as long as you explain to them what you are going through.

Write it all down on a piece of paper or type it up, mentioning your mental state of mind, your disabilities and any medical help you may have. Do not leave any stone unturned.

Mention your incomings and outgoings so that they have a clear picture and may give you more time to pay off any arrears or debt you may have.

It is better to offer them something than nothing at all.

They will be happy to accept whatever you can offer them rather than taking you to court, which not only costs money it is a waste of resources that can be better spent elsewhere.

Creditors can be empathic and the definition of a creditor is someone you owe money to, such as a landlord, utility company, car finance company, your bank, building society, or lender (payday loans, store cards, etc).

People often feel talking about mental health that there is a stigma attached and the person you disclose this information to may think you are crazy. Having mental health issues such as anxiety and depression are normal experiences most people go through and experience at some point in their lives, from sitting your exams to having your first interview to feeling your job is not rewarding or you may be having relationship troubles. Everyone has experienced sadness, anxiety, and depression at some point in their lives.

When our parents and loved ones pass away we experience, sadness, grief, and depression.

Talking to their creditors about your poor mental wellbeing makes you a stronger person because you are brave enough to speak about it rather than shutting it out.

You can choose how much information you want to share and how it will be stored and used. You have control over your data.

Most importantly if you are feeling as if things have escalated out of control and you have nowhere to turn, do visit a health professional or GP asap and then contact your creditors in writing or appoint a friend or family member to do it on your behalf. You are not alone there are millions of people in the same boat as you.

Find out more about notice of correction on Mental Health and Money website.

What should you do if you have been unfairly treated?

Most organizations are empathetic providing you do give them the runaround. if you choose to ignore the past due letter and hope the problem will go away by itself you are very much mistaken and you will only infuriate your creditors. The sooner you make contact with them and the sooner you put all your incomings and outgoings on the table and a proposed payment plan the sooner they will give you extended time to pay. Remember they sooner prefer to have something than nothing at all and they certainly do not want to waste their precious time dragging it through courts. They will even cap any interest you may have as long as you make contact with them.

However if after you have disclosed your situation to the lender and they are being ruthless you can put in a letter of complaint and then go to an ombudsman who will act as a mediator. You also have the option of going to citizen advice and get free advice from volunteer solicitors or legal advice pro bono meaning they will not charge you until they win a case similar to (not win no fee).

The most important factor is you have to make contact physically or in writing and if you still feel you are not getting anywhere start pulling ranks so if the bank teller cannot help you ask for the bank manager and if the bank manager refuses to help go to an ombudsman.

In most cases as long as you offer your creditors something they will call off the wolves and will not pass your debt onto a debt collecting agency.

If you want to speak to a creditor in person it is wise to have someone with you as a witness and for moral support but the best way is to put it all in writing and do not leave anything out.

How to manage your expenditure whilst you’re in the hospital?

Sometimes the unexpected can happen so you should have a plan of action for a friend or family member to take over your day-to-day expenses. The best way is to set up a standing order or pay via creditors’ websites manually. Often setting up direct debits is a good idea but with this method, the dates transaction leave your account are fixed, whilst withstanding orders you have more control.

The best plan of action is to appoint someone as power of attorney and have it in writing that should you be unable to sort out your own finances and day-to-day routines like feeding the cat and watering the plants and putting any subscriptions on hold etc.

Obviously you need to be able to have someone you can trust.

However, if you are alone and have no family or friends, you could talk with your bank manager, you will be surprised what people they are in contact with and what resources and organizations they could put you in contact with.

On Rethink’s Mental Health and Money website, there is a full list of options and things you should think about, including how someone can help you pay bills, deal with benefits or talk to your bank or other service providers, such as your mobile phone, gas or electricity provider.

Always plan ahead should something happen like you being admitted into hospital suddenly. This will start a plan of action with the domino effect of the next person being notified to sort out your affairs.

If you are dependant on Government Benefits and Support you must notify the agencies because some benefits you will no longer be entitled to and this will avoid them overpayment, in which you guessed it, you would have to pay it all back. So it is best to let them know as soon as you can or get someone to do it on your behalf.

If you are admitted to hospital for a long stay you should know about the following:

  • If you are getting Disability Living Allowance, Personal Independence Allowance, or Attendance Allowance, your benefit will stop.
  • If someone gets Carer’s Allowance for you, their benefit will stop at the same time.
  • You are able to continue to get Housing Benefit for up to 52 weeks
  • If you are getting Employment and Support Allowance it will continue to be paid but depending on which type you are getting, you may lose some premiums or housing costs
  • Universal Credit will not usually be affected for six months
  • You will need to continue paying your bills. Think about setting up a direct debit so it’s done automatically

If you get benefits, tell the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) – or the Social Security Agency (SSA) if you are in Northern Ireland.

Tell your local authority if you get Housing Benefits or pay Council Tax because you may qualify for a reduction.

If you don’t tell the agency dealing with your benefits, they may continue paying you and you may end up owing money.

You may need someone to help you do some of these things. Read our guide Getting informal help to manage your money for more information.

Go to the Mental Health and Money website for more help you can get and things you need to do if you are in hospital.

What Benefits are there you can claim if you have poor mental health?

If your mental health condition persists or worsens or another disability is diagnosed, you may be entitled to help with certain benefits.

If you are over 16 and have a diagnosed mental health problem, you may be entitled to a Personal Independence Payment (PIP) if you need help with everyday tasks. This isn’t means-tested, so you may be able to get it whether or not you have an income or savings. However, they will first make you have a long interview and will assess you on the day. With the Coronavirus Pandemic Regulations and Restrictions, these assessments have been put on hold. Do not be disheartened if your claim has been denied, nearly all claims are rejected and it is up to you to appeal their decision.

If you can’t work for an extended length of time because of your illness and you’re not entitled to Statutory Sick Pay (or it has run out), you might be able to claim Employment and Support Allowance or Universal Credit to help replace lost income. If you’re claiming a sickness or disability benefit, you will usually need to have a medical assessment as part of the claim process.

The Mental Health and Money Advice website has a full list of benefits you may be entitled to if you are suffering from mental health issues, or if you are a carer of someone who is struggling.

The charity Turn2us has an online calculator you can use to see what benefits you may be able to claim.

If someone you know is struggling with mental health and financial issues, how to help them?

As a friend or family member, you know the person you are worried about better than most. So you can spot changes in behavior, sometimes before they do, that might send out warning signals.

You may want to make an agreement with them that they let you know if they seem to be becoming unwell. You could make an action plan together, for example, you could look after their credit card or bill payments when they feel unwell or help them make a GP appointment.

Are you worried about someone you know being under too much stress? If so, the Samaritans website has a page on what to look out for if you are concerned that someone you love is harming themselves, having suicidal thoughts, and might be at risk of suicide.

Getting extra support for mental health

Mental health is complex and there can be many symptoms other than feeling low. If you (or someone you care for) needs support with mental health, these organizations can help:

NHS Choices



The Mental Health Foundation



When you feel like there is a constant grey cloud following you everywhere you go and no matter what you do and nothing seems to be working in your favour, you must step back and analyze the situation and see how you can tackle the problem or make changes to make your life more bearable.

Sometimes stress, anxiety and depression can make it difficult to see straight, making it difficult to focus and make important decisions.

I have suffered from clinical depression for many years and I find writing down my thoughts and helping others as I am doing now part of my therapy. I have other disabilities which you can read on my other site My disabilities are not a burden per se, but a superpower as I can inspire other people that your disabilities do not have to define you and you can adapt around them within your means.

I have learned what to avoid that may trigger my depression and my other disabilities and what can worsen them. I have a controlled environment that is not normal by any standard but it works for me.

The first step to getting help is to talk with your health professional such as your local GP.

It’s easy for someone to say “things will get better” but if they are not walking in your shoes they do not have a clue what you are going through and have no right to give you that advice.

Only you can make the changes and make things happen and for people to say “things will get better” are basically sugar coating the problem.

If you are to your eyeballs in debt no amount of words is going to help you. You need a plan of action and you need people that can help you, rather than people trying to put a band-aid on a gaping wound.

The only way you can get out of debt is to talk to a professional that can help. You can even try to consolidate your debts into one monthly affordable sum. You need to speak with your creditors that you have run into financial difficulties and if you are also suffering from depression you MUST also see a Doctor. To be prepared to make the changes, you must make the first step.

It’s also soul-destroying watching people live in fancy houses driving fancy cars whilst you are struggling to make ends meet.

The constant noise of people bragging how successful they are is all smoke and mirrors and you should not be interacting or viewing this.

If you are connected on Instagram with people and groups living luxury lifestyles, turn off your account or simply do not log in.

For the MPs that dictate to people on low incomes how much support they are prepared to give people to live on, it would be interesting to see if they could live on £98.48 tax credits per week for six months supporting a young adult in full-time education who have no way of supporting themselves.

By my calculations, £98.48 per week based on 40 hours of work is £2.46 per hour, which is less than the living wage. Now if you add other income this could equate to a further £1.65 per hour, which brings a total of £4.11 per hour which is less than the national living wage, and they wonder why people have mental health issues.

So for a small business owner, they would have to further earn more than £164.48 per week to live and make a profit. Which equates to £657.92 per month that a small business owner would need to find just to get by on a low income.

If a small business owner has bills to pay and has a very low income that is struggling to pay its business overheads how does the government expect people to live on £98.48 per week? Even with the extra income, a small business owner makes it only comes to £164.48 per week. How on earth are people supposed to support themselves?

I have a question if a young adult turns 19 years of age, do they eat less the older they are or use less toiletries, electricity, water, etc? My point being if a young adult is still in further education not claiming universal credit and is not working and is disabled should the carer for that young person get penalized £100.00 per week and be given less to live on.

These politicians need their heads banging together and get basic salaries, equating to the National Living Wage of £8.91 per hour and not a penny more. They are not small businesses that often are highly educated CEOs that can command large salaries. Yet MPs are civil servants and you do not need to have a degree to become one all they need is to pay £500 with their application and if they are voted in by the constituents (followers), they then get to train alongside other MPs with starting salaries of £30K which equates to £625 per week or £15,63 per hour based on a 40 hour week.

Yet these MP’s command extortionate wages, bonus’s and expenses that come out of the taxpayers money, rather than helping people that genuinely need help.

I think it is bloody disgusting that politicians dictate how much a person should live on without calculating the cost of food and overheads expecting the average person on a low income to live on basic breadcrumbs that they begrudgingly give out.

They should try to live at least 6 months on those payouts and actually see how the other half live.

How about they swap their swanky homes for a person in a council house for at least 12 months, they would soon be singing a different tune.

Regardless of how much money I personally make and even if I could afford a house like the Real Housewives in Beverly Hills which I am watching on Netflix, I would never buy a house to flaunt my riches and make the less fortunate people feel envious of me. I would however live in a modest house that would not make me look like a privileged snob and I would use my money to help people less fortunate than me. I currently live in privately rented accommodation.

I challenge any politician to live on the income some of the small business owners live on just to be able to interview them 12 months later.

Similar to the film with Eddie Murphy and Dan Ackroyd ‘Trading Places it would be interesting to see a MP live on the money the government payout to small business owners and swap places with them for a year.

I apologize if I offend anyone reading this with my language but some people really are trying to make something of themselves and do not want to get into debt by getting loans/grants and simply need some help financially or help with getting more leads for free.

Some people may be disabled and may not be able to work in a normal working environment and choose self employment as one of their options other than being on the dole for the rest of their lives.

I have not really spoken with any small business owners on the subject but I am sure there are plenty of lone parents out there that support young adults whilst they are in college whilst juggling a small business and decreased revenue because of the ‘Coronavirus Pandemic’.

There Are Many Dr Evil’s In This World, Disguised!

It is society’s fault and a contributing factor that people suffer from depression!

For the landlords that increase your rent and expect you to find the money within a month are just plain greedy and ruthless without empathy, they should increase the rent by the Bank of England Rate of Inflation which is 2.5 %, NOT 14% as in my case.

My landlord said due to the fact his insurance has gone up because of the pandemic and the annual electricity check and extra alarms fitted, he has had to increase the rent by £960 per annum. I also have business insurance and my insurance has NOT gone up. He thinks I am stupid.

I will ride the wave and when I am finished I will create my own tsunami.

Further Reading.

#greedylandlords #mentalhealth #lowselfesteem #anxiety #depression #clinical depression #priceincreasesandmentalhealth #nationalrateofinflation #mentalhealth #moneyworries #moneyprobelms #debt #debtrecovery #reconcilingdebt #debtreconciliation

What Appliance Retailers Do Not Tell You (Part 4 Ongoing Saga).

Christmas Stress


What Appliance Retailers Do Not Tell You (Part 4 Ongoing Saga).

The Effects Of Mental Health When You Have to Raise a Complaint With a Company.

As many of you may or may not know I am an Entrepreneur a owns several sites, blogs, or social media pages, my default virtual business card is

Primarily I advise Businesses on how to generate more leads and consult them to make their business more successful. I also offer other services, such as website design and marketing.

Now I would also like to say I suffer from Mental Health and have a blog dedicated to Mental Health and Disabilities among Entrepreneurs. That is why I am keeping my chat widget on from 11 am to 11 pm London GMT over the Holidays, just in case anyone wishes to talk over the Christmas Period. If I can help just one person I know I will have done something good. Depression can affect people from all walks of life. Christmas can be extremely challenging and can test our resilience. By trying to help others I am essentially helping myself.

Do watch the full interview with Tyson Fury on Mental Health.

“Christmas is not about receiving it is about giving”.

I recently posted on one of my blogs about Mental Health at Christmas amongst entrepreneurs:

Now the retailer (ARGOS) that I purchased my cooker appliance from first all reached out to me after I made them aware of a post I made about my cooker not being installed:

They offered me a £75 e-voucher and my refund of £100 for installation to be escalated on the 21st of December 2020. My cooker was delivered on the 17th of December 2020 and I was told I had to wait three to five working days to get my refund.

Moving forward to yesterday which would have been the 5th working day I still had not received my refund. I questioned it with customer services and I was told the reason I did not get my refund was due to a system error and guess what I now have to wait for another three to five working days. This did not sit well with me at all. Although the customer service person said today it can take up to seven working days. The last time I transferred money from one account to another took two hours by BACS transfer.

By coincidence, I got an email from head office yesterday saying I will be getting my refund.

“What happened to we are sorry and we will escalate it for you”? No mention of that in the email or anything about the e-voucher either.

So like a dog to a bone, I will not let go until I get answers, and if it means me using my blog to get attention so be it.

You do not give people the run around no matter what business you are in. It does not say anything good about you or your company. Just because you are a blue chip company this does not bother me in the slightest, you should care about your customers. A CEO had to start off somewhere and may have been a startup once. CEOs are humans no different from you and I and they should show empathy and respect.

No company should be too big for their boots and everyone is accountable for their actions”.

So my final attempt today I tried phoning them yet again and their answering bot is designed to mentally break you down, It does not recognize order numbers and when it asks what you are ringing up for, it does not understand your reply.

I had visions of me hurling my phone through the air and smashing it against the wall by this stage.

Furthermore when you finally get through it says all calls are recorded. Now the person I spoke to today misunderstood something I said whereby I would continue recording with my blog in a quest to finally get this resolved. Yet he thought I said I was recording the call. Do people not understand English? My English is perfect I have had 57 years to practice it.

I want a transcript of all the calls I have made and received as that is my legal right.

Obviously, they can record you without your consent but you cannot record them, not that I had any attention to doing so anyway, one rule for one and another rule for another.

If this was someone with Multiple Sclerosis phoning today, they would be having a relapse due to the run around of this company. I have knowledge of Multiple Sclerosis as my daughter suffers from the disability.

Consider people’s mental health before you start playing mind games. The customer service person today told me someone will phone me back about the e-voucher, which can not be located by coincidence.

“I do not want to be phoned”.

My telephone lines are turned off for a reason because of this little incident and I can only be reached by my chat widget on my websites or via email or social media platforms.

What is the problem have I offended Argos in some way by speaking the truth, they should have mentioned like and hot zones on their site, and perhaps all this could’ve been avoided.

Do not offer a token of apology and then retract it.

To be messed around like this is totally atrocious.

“Show Respect and You Will Earn Respect!”


“I will give this company one more chance to make amends and perhaps finally will say that after everything they will come out smelling of roses”

Roses GIF - Find & Share on GIPHY

Merry Christmas Everyone and a Happy New Year.

Christian Images In My Treasure Box: Christmas Photos ...

UPDATE 27/01/20

I received my refund of £100 on the 24th of December 2020 I assume just after my phone call to Argos.

Christmas was canceled for me as I could not cook anyone a Christmas Dinner and did not think it was appropriate to offer frozen ready meals heated up in a microwave so no one came to visit me and I was left home alone with the cat. Worst Christmas ever and Worst Year.

As for the offering of the £75 e-voucher that did not materialize either. I should not have to beg to get it.

In all this whole scenario has tested my strength and my mental health ability.

I would have been content with a formal apology from the CEO but obviously, he forgets that once he started out where I am today. You never know one day he maybe brushes shoulders with me, considering the small world we live in and the people I am connected with. With nearly 10,000 followers such as Billionaires, Millionaires, Law Makers, and Royalty on LinkedIn it pays to remember “it’s not what you know but who you know”.

Christmas Depression Amongst Entrepreneurs

XMAS Depression

Christmas Depression Amongst Entrepreneurs.

Tis the season to be jolly. Christmas Holiday Season is meant to be filled with happiness and cheer, with social gatherings and celebrations and gifting. But this year is like no other.

As well as all the things that some people are not looking forward to this time of year, we have the added bonus of the Coronavirus Covid-19 Pandemic and limited household meetups.

For many people, it is a time filled with sadness, self-reflection, loneliness, and anxiety.

The demands of making your Christmas perfect may cause us to be on the verge of a mental breakdown with rushing around shopping for gifts, food, and outfits as well as organizing parties. Even having more people than normal can cause us to be stressed as we want the turkey and trimmings to be impressive and we have to portray everything as hunkey Dorey even though we may be having a nervous meltdown. If we have to balance entrepreneurship on top, we can end up feeling overwhelmed.

Most CEO if you ask them how their business is doing will without a shadow of a doubt say “Everything is Great”. No one wants to admit failure or tell the real truth. Being honest by saying your business has problems is a sign of weakness and no one wants to look stupid or inadequate for failing. Some people are just waiting for you to fail just to say “I told you so”, hence CEOs will always show they are doing great.

Entrepreneurs are:2x more likely to suffer from depression

  • 6x more likely to have ADHD
  • 3x more likely to struggle with addiction
  • 11x more likely to receive a bipolar diagnosis

12 Quotes on Entrepreneur Burnout And Depression, From Those Who’ve Walked The Path:

People who normally do not view themselves as depressed may develop symptoms, such as:

  1. Stress
  2. Anxiety
  3. Depression, crying a lot or wanting to stay in bed all-day
  4. Headaches (migraines)
  5. insomnia
  6. Over-eating
  7. Indulging in too much alcohol
  8. Wanting to Isolate
  9. Overthinking
  10. Intrusive thoughts

Balancing your home and your business can lead to a lot of tension. Christmas is also a financial burden with us overspending or not budgeted properly and perhaps not having enough funds. Sometimes it can be difficult to gift a large household and extended family and friends. It is this time of year that people spend by maxing out their credit cards. However whilst spending it does not hurt in the short term, however when it comes to paying at the end of the month in the long term that is when people feel they are in hot water and start to get depressed even more.. Knowing how to budget your money will either make you or break you.

People do not look forward to Christmas for a number of reasons:

  1. Financial Burden & Obligations
  2. Loneliness (perhaps they have no family or friends)
  3. Grief (the loss of a person through death or breakup can be very traumatic and painful to handle)
  4. Mental Health Issues (Depression, PTSD, Anxiety) Perhaps they do not want reminders of the past
  5. Social Disconnection (finding it hard to socialize)
  6. Not getting along with some family members and the awkwardness of reuniting once a year
  7. Dealing with alcoholism surrounded by people who are drinking
  8. Paying Christmas Bonuses (not having enough funding)
  9. Having your business restricted due to pandemic regulations causes you to have financial difficulties (businesses closing for good or laying off staff)
  10. Not being able to travel because of pandemic regulations
  11. Illness, not being mobile (disabled) or maybe being in a hospital
  12. People expecting life-changing surgeries and are worried about the aftermath and are living an uncertainty such as organ transplants or heart surgery

How to overcome Christmas Blues

  1. Set goals and have a plan of action, prioritize the most important things on your schedule of things to do
  2. Budget your finances (Do not overspend)
  3. Pace yourself do not bite off more than you can chew
  4. Be realistic with your expectations, do not raise yourself up for disappointment, and compare your day to previous days
  5. Ask for support from your network of family and friends ask them to bring a dish if you’re struggling financially, everyone loves homemade food and treats
  6. If you are lonely volunteer to help other people in the same situation as yourself. Network with organizations that specialize in getting lonely people together at Christmas or volunteer to work over the Christmas holidays
  7. If you have friends or family struggling with alcoholism make your celebrations alcohol free
  8. If you know of an elderly person home alone at Christmas spread some Christmas Cheer by gifting them and looking in on them to see if they are ok
  9. Make handmade gifts that will save you money, write handmade notes for old people and neighbors, leave notes around randomly for strangers to pick up (secret Santa special message notes) Send out emails and messages and e-cards
  10. Make your own decorations, there is a Picasso in all of us
  11. Make some time for yourself, pamper yourself or as I do each year, I always buy myself a Christmas present so that I am never disappointed.
  12. Make an effort to contact friends and family that you may not have had the opportunity to connect with because of distance or pandemic restrictions (Set up Video calls)

Final thoughts

Personally speaking, I do not look forward to Christmas other than maybe going to a fancy restaurant (which is not going to happen this year) or viewing the Christmas lights and visiting the Christmas Markets.

Christmas will never be the same again and I miss the family congregation that we spent the holidays at my parent’s house. Since they have gone I only have my daughter and the cat, so Christmas can be lonely at times. She is in a relationship so I find I am sharing her with her boyfriend.

I do not bother with Christmas decorations as to who is going to see them anyway and do not like to socialize so I concentrate on what matters the most to me and that is my business. Before you read between the lines I am not interested in getting into a relationship, have been burnt too many times.

Not everyone I am connected with is Catholic or Christian, I am fortunate to also have Muslim friends so it’s not as if I cannot reach out to anyone if I wanted to.

I cannot bring my parents or my brother back but I can move on and have set myself some goals which I am striving to achieve. I want to make changes to my life and I know nothing stands still so I know with perseverance that when one door closes another one opens.

I must admit I do not forsake Christmas Dinner regardless if it is only dinner for one, I will splash out with all the trimmings and the extras and have the best of the best and feast like a Princess.

Remember there is always someone that you can chat to over the holiday period, you do not have to do it alone. If you are struggling you can phone the Samaritans on 116 123

Further Reading!

I wrote on my other blog about Mental Health Amongst Entrepreneurs and there are some useful links should you need some support at this difficult time.

Mental Health & Loneliness

Being Alone and Loneliness are two different things.

Being alone can for some people be more gratifying than being in a room full of people and not having anything in common or anything to talk about. Some people choose to live alone and live happily without intervention of other people.

We all experience the feeling of loneliness from time to time. Our self conception is very unique to us and not everyone who feels loney may feel the same type of loneliness as yourself. My conception of loneliness is not being on my own. I actually like my own company. My perception of loneliness is not being able to share my thoughts or have people share my passion or give me the support I need. My loneliness is the emptiness I feel when I cannot talk to anyone that shares or cares about my thoughts.

The most common description of loneliness is the overwhelming emptiness feeling we get when our mental state, views passions beliefs are not recognised by other people.

Loneliness is not always the same as being alone.

You may the most social person on the block and have lots of friends and acquaintances or part of a large family, but if not one person shares your views and you cannot reach out or relate to these people as they simply are not interested you will find the loneliness creeping in.

Mental health may increase the chance of feeling lonely and although feeling lonely is not a mental health issue it is however strongly linked.

People who suffer with social phobia’s may find it difficult to express their mental well being which in turn can cause loneliness. If you have suffered with the feeliing of loneliness for a very long time undiagnosed this may well impact your mental health in the long term, which in turn can manifest into stress, low self esteem, depression, anxiety and sleeping disorders.

What is the cause of loneliness?

Loneliness differs from person to person and each case is different. ‘Life Changes’ play an important factor diagnosing someone with loneliness. Each life event is unique and some people can handle these events better than others.

Examples of life events that can cause loneliness are as follows.

1). Traumatic Event in your life that has had devasting and lasting effect (I have had eight but whose counting)

2). The loss of a loved one (bearevement), family member, friend, pet, life partner (I have experienced this three times, I was once asked so when will I stop grieving, well the answer is never).

3). Break up of a relationship, (divorce, seperation) (Most memorable I experienced four times)

4). Abusive Relationship, violence and rape (I experiend this as two seperate incidents).

5). Retiring and loosing the network of collegaues that were friends at work (No issue).

6). Moving to a new location with no network of family or friends. (No Issue).

7). Feeling isolated from your co-works who alienate you. (No Issue).

8). Changing Jobs and learning the ropes from scratch with no support from other co-workers. (No issue).

9). Starting a course at College or University and you do not know anyone and do not make friends easily (No Issue).

Depending on each individuals circumstances determines why the feeling of vulnerability sets in. It is suggested by some researchers that certain life changing factors will be the root cause to the problem.

1). It may be that you are part of a minority group seperated from your family and friends due to immigration as asylum seekers as you fled from a war stricken country to somewhere very alien to you.

2). You could be in an ethnic group alienated for your race and values

3). You could be discriminated because, of your colour, race, religion, gender, sexual orientation and disabilities and social class.

4). You are estranged from your family.

5) You have been physically and mentally abused and find it diffficult to form relationships.

6). You have been publicly humiliated and made a mockery of.

7). You have no friends or family

8). You are a single parent or carer and may not be able to maintain a social life.

9). You are judged by how much money you have or what job you do.

10) Although unlawful you may be discrimiated by employers for your mental health or disabilities or even you appearance. It is not supposed to happen but it does and its even more harder to prove.

This feeling of loneliness can be crippling and some people do not know where to turn or how to rectify the problem and thus spiral out of control.

My therapy is wrting, I call my blogs my online diaries that anyone can read. I can express myself and I know someone somewhere is reading this and possibly can relate.

My loneliness is not being able to share some of the trauma, humiliation and pain I have endured over the years and would love to give the people that made me this way a good old fashioned public shout out and watch them squiirm getting publicly humiliated as I did. But for now let sleeping dogs lie, one day their time will come.

So when the next time you are talking to someone you find that you have nothing in common, nip it the bud, do not let it fester and do not pretend to be a friend as that makes you a hypocrite. You are either with that person because you actually care or you are with that person for your own agenda.

Only be with people you genuinly care about and support, do not be two faced. If I can share similar life experiences and idea’s, passions and goals with others as I am doing I am half way there to battling my feeling of loneliness. The peron does not have to sit in the same room as me but could been thousands of miles away with only an internet connection between us.

I have only one goal and that is to make a lot of money, I am not looking to make friends or relationships but instead to connect with like minded people that share my goals and my passion. The power of mind over matter is the differnce of filling the void of loneliness.

I tend not to dwell on all the bad things that have happened in my life (which no doubt have been a few) but instead try to turn the negative feelings and thoughts into postitive ones. I set myself realistic goals that if I achieve I reward myself. I buy myself something that will cheer me up and set another goal and another.

Remember always be kind to others as you do not know what they are going through and never be two faced or judgemental. Treat people with respect just like you would want to be treated and if you know someone is alone especially during the holidays do something nice for them just so that they know someone was thinking about them.

If you found this post useful, please like, share, subscribe and comment.

Lack of Motivation

Proverb ~ Confucious

Motivation Definition





Regardless what your status is and if you are employed, self employed, a CEO or unemployed, we are all human at the end of the day and we all have our up’s and down moments.

Some of us deal with these down moments better than others, but the ones that overcome these obstacles end up succeeding in what they are trying to do. You just need to know how to overcome these obstacle put before us.

We all have options in life and we all can choose to go in whatever direction we choose.

I will first talk about the reasons why you may be loosing motivation at work.

  1. You could be feeling insecure about your job, you may have an intimidating boss or you co-works are always being mean.
  2. You hate your job, you have no vision or ambition and are stuck in a dead end job which is a pay cheque at the end of the week and nothing more.
  3. There are more chiefs than indians and the business is unorganised and poorly managed and you feel you have no where to turn as you could do your job better if it was not for the fact that management does not know what they are doing. There maybe no one you can trust of confide in to speak about the problems you encounter.
  4. The job is too stressful and you you cannot live up to the expectations.
  5. You have no way of climbing the ladder and your career will stay where it is unless you do something.
  6. You are not appreciated for all the hard work you do.
  7. You have problems at home and even if you try to not bring them to work with you, your mind is distracted.
  8. You are juggling more than one job and things are getting too much for you physically and mentally.
  9. You have mental health issues or are physically unwell.
  10. You are being discriminated.

Lack of Motivation as an Entrepreneur

  1. You have financial issues.
  2. You are not driving enough business.
  3. You have employed people you cannot work with or trust as they do not share your same work ethics and you cannot just fire them as there are laws against that.
  4. You have problems at home with your family.
  5. You have mental health issues or are physically unwell.

Lack of Motivation Due to Unemployment.

  1. You have just lost your job.
  2. You cannot find suitable work.
  3. You do not have the right qualifications.
  4. You feel deflated as every job you apply for you do not get.
  5. You have mental health issues or are physically unwell.
  6. You have no support from your friends or family.


  1. Address the cause of the problem, find the core and focus on how you are going to turn things around.
  2. Remind yourself how you feel and how you will feel after your have dealt with the problem.
  3. Envision your success by making dream board add photos and notes to help motivate you.
  4. Create a supportive environment surrround yourself with positive like minded people, get rid of negative energy and negative people.
  5. Change your physiology and mind set, focus on what you are trying to achieve
  6. Do your research, see how best you can takle the problem.
  7. Learn something new.
  8. Take Baby Steps (Rome was not built in a day).
  9. Set Goals.
  10. Reward yourself.
  11. When things get overwhelming take time out, switch off and relax, occupy yourself with something you enjoy doing. Reflect on what matters to you the most whilst remaining positive and just breathe. Tomorrow is another day and you can start over again.

With this in mind if you are still struggling or want to reach out, please do not hesitate to message me.

Remember there are Solutions to every Problem.

Be Safe and Stay Strong.

Helpful Links:

What is Anxiety

What is Stress

What is Depression

Suicide Healthline

Mental Health

Barbed wire round my brain – My Mental Health Story

Regardles what walks of life one comes from everyone experiences sadness, sorrow, depression and anxiety some parts of their lives. Not everyone is happy 24/7, it is impossible to be happy 24/7. We all worry and get anxious and feel insecure from time to time and the ones that say they do not are in denial.

Whether you are an entreprenuer or a stay at home mum/dad we all worry, it is just that some people can handle it better than others.

Some people turn to drinking alcohol, taking recreational drugs and smoking cigarettes or weed to relieve the feelings that festers inside of them (I am not suggesting trying any of methods I have mentioned above but seek medical help in the first instance, these are only examples of what people do to relieve the tension and if anything it might makes things worse than better). I just take my medication which has been prescribed by my GP and do not smoke, do not do recreational drugs and only have a drink if the occasion calls for it such as a Birthday Celebration, but other than that I do not drink. I am wiser now not to wake up with a thumping headache and less money in my pocket from the night before.

Mental Illness is categorised as having the following disorders:

  1. Anxiety & Panic Attacks
  2. Bipolar Disorder
  3. Depression
  4. Easting Disorders
  5. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
  6. Personality Disorders
  7. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  8. Psychosis
  9. Schizoaffective disorder
  10. Schizophrenia
  11. Self Harming
  12. Suicidal Feelings

I do not recommend self diagnosis although do your research and tell your doctor but if you think you have any symptoms do visit your local doctor and seek medical help.

I personally suffer with PTSD, OCD (Diagnosed over 30 years ago), and Clinical Depression. I also have Social Anxiety Disorder and find my home my safe haven away from people in general. I hate talking on the phone and very rarely do I venture out. This started way before self isolation with Covid-19. So I am a master when it comes to germ contaminaltion and social distancing.

I am the most happiest online and if things get too much I can just switch off.

Yet even online there are unsrupulous people that want to scam you and want to bring you down in order to destroy your reputation and hence as of yesterday I have gone back into my cocoon or bubble and really do not want to do any work and feel deflated that idiots have nothing better to do play stupid games. When a scammer goes looking for their next victim they do not care what it may do to the person mentally. I nearly became the next victim.

I feel I have fallen into a dark hole and need to summon the strength to get out, in which I know I will but it will take some doing.

Self help -Take a Leaf out of Warren Buffett’s Book.

Without a support system in place I cannot just phone anyone up and expect them to listen to my troubles (believe me, I have tried) and even if they did listen what could they do to help me? – nothing, so for me this would be pointless. However everyone is different and it may help to talk to a friend or a counseller/therapist on simply interact online and join forums and groups and network with people that also are suffering and have similar symptons as you.

Hence I try to help others whilst trying to help myself by making people aware Mental Illness is not a joke it needs to be addressed and people need to admit they have a problem to try and get professional help. Helping other means I am also helping myself and this makes me happy knowing that someone in need may have been put on the right path by me and got the help they needed. People should also be kind to one another and not cause distress or harm to another individual as doing so could make that person go over the edge.

I once told my daughter’s GodFather’s Girlfriend that I had OCD and she laughed in my face, so guess what I did, I removed those people out of my life, considering the Godfather could have defended me but chose not to.

Aswell as the racism I have endured over the years and the discrimination I am still standing and when I get knocked down I get up again and never give up…….

I find writing my thoughts on virtual paper is therapy for me.

People suffering with mental health issues need to seek professional help, in which I take medication for my disorders but sometimes just talking to someone also helps and cognitive behavioural therapy which does not work for everyone, yet everyone should try it.

There are also therapist that one can talk to in which I have tried that also and found going round and round in circles reapeating the same old stuff over and over again every single session did not benefit me but everyone is different so although it did not help me it may help others. I did not acknowlege the core of my problem, my insecurities in which a stranger, professional or not could not help me. I have since found that accepting the root of my problem I am better at being able to overcome the obstacles I am faced with. Its all in the mind and mind over matter.

The medication I take is is not a magic pill but helps me sleep, it will never stop my anxieties, it meerly calms my state of mind but never erradicates the problem, that I have to do myself and yes it will take some time and I believe oneday it will happen through sheer motivation to complete my goals. The key is to set goals for yourself and aim to accomplish them.

You need to address the core of what is bothering you, if it is debt or martial issues or problems in work, you need to start there. If you start to admit what problem you have got you are half way there to doing something about it. Do not let your problems fester. I know what problem I have and I am trying to turn my problem around, yes it has taken me 30 years to admit what my insecurity is but now that I finally have addressed it I know I am on the right path to make things better and eventually my insecurities will subside and this will help with my mental well being overall.

If you are constantly in a controlling relationship at home or at work, try to remove the negative people out of your life. For me I just do not answer the phone or do not interact online if I do not want to.

I do not have a support system that I can phone someone out of the blue as they would most probably not understand so how can they help (I Have tried therapy and that did not work, but I have joined some OCD Groups on Facebook and have interacted a few times which has helped a bit). In fact once I tried to tell my ex-sister in law about my problems and about my OCD and tried to relate that she too had a problem (hair pulling) when she was going through a divorce with my brother and she was in denial and gave me pretentious look whcih I will never forget. She seems to think she is better than me. But what she fails to understand she would not be where she is now without the divorce settlement my brother paid her and she had Trichotillomania (trik-o-til-o-MAY-nee-uh), also called hairpulling disorder and theres no denying it as her hair was starting to get rather visibibly thin on top, which is similar to self harming, yet she denied she ever had it and had no positive words for me.

I know that I have to work it out myself without giving too much detail away as people can abuse your trust so the less they know the better.

Therefore I was shocked to hear a famous person was not briefed before opening his mouth a few days ago at a Presindential Rally. Surely they have managers that advise them what to say and what not to say. If he did this against the advise of his manager and this was a publicity stunt he obviously did not think before he spoke as now there may be consequences due to his actions when his eldest daughter grows up.

The famous person I am talking about is ‘Kayne West’ whom has been in the news and widely criticised for being outspoken about his personal life and in his defence, his wife ‘Kim Kardashian’ has said he suffers with ‘Biopolar Disorder’. From my own experience one should not air their dirty laundry in public (no matter who you are) especially if there will be reprecussions within the family unit further down the line, considering as it will happen when his eldest gets to read/hear/see what her father said about abortion. No child needs to hear that their parents were planning an abortion to get rid of them. That is why Kayne is the way he is because his father wanted to abort him and because he has Bipolar Disorder probably caused by festered insecurities.

The mere fact that this is even talked about in public will bound to affect the child’s mental state and they will feel insecure that their parents contemplated this and did not want them or that may even feel unloved. The seed of insecurity would be planted and in the back of their mind which could potentially fester, which in turn will cause the individual to have mental issues when they get older. This is so wrong on so many levels, one should not use your children as pawns to win votes and one should do everything possible to protect our children including not divuldging information about abortion. Imagine if you found out your parents had contemplated aborting you, how would you feel?, I for one would not be able to have the same respect before knowing and would not be able to look at the same again.

If you are feeling insecure and things are not going right, reach out to me here and I will try to help you. No one should suffer alone.

If you feel anxious or depressed just send a message and I will see what options are available for you to rectify your problems.

Nothing cannot be so bad you cannot share your problems in confidence with someone that is willing to listen. All problems have a way of being resolved one just needs to know how.

Remember a problem shared is a a problem halved.

My demons are the people I do not trust and the scam artists online aswell as the people that attempt to take advantage of me or bring me down or harm to me, you know the people I am talking about the judgemental pretentious people that think they are better than you, the ones that pretend they care but in reality do not give two hoots about you.

Like I said sharing my thoughts has already made me feel a little bit better.

Everyone has a story to tell and I have been through the mill and back so I have every excuse not to trust people and my story is my journey so one day I will write a book.

From one sufferer to another, stay safe and stay strong.

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