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Category: LANDLORDS (Page 2 of 2)

Private Landlords Marketing and Reviews on Rogue Landlords that do things by halves to save money on repairs.

Money Worries & Mental Health

Money Problems and Poor Mental Health.

Money Worries.

It is with no surprise that mental health is affected by financial worries, with an astonishing 9.5 million Brits suffering from mental health issues due to money worries. More than 18 million UK adults worry about money on a daily basis with a third saying their sleep is affected.

Therefore utility companies should not be intimidating and be wolves at the door if your bill payment is a few days late. They need to show compassion and be more understanding rather than harass people. Landlords should also take into consideration a person, personal circumstances before demanding money at short notice, 30 days notice is not adequate time if you have not put into place a surplus amount of money that you can use should the creditor increase their prices by an astronomical amount over the rate of inflation. Just because a property rental price is lower than the average price, says if a tenant did not agree with the prices they would have no option but to pay the average cost or move to an entirely new area. However, if the tenant needs to be in the area for business reasons and they have been a long-term tenant this says that the person has stayed in the area for a reason. Therefore if a landlord deliberately makes s a person get into debt which in turn causes mental health issues, the landlord should then be liable for the ill health of a person.

Some people can manage their money to a certain degree whilst others find it very difficult.

Feeling your financial circumstances are too much to bear, often people try to avoid the problem hoping somehow it will go away, but it never does, and the more you ignore it the worse the situation will become.

It is a well-known fact that people struggling with money have a link to poor mental health.

Below I will address the following categories:

  • What is the definition of poor mental wellbeing?
  • Can poor mental health affect the way you deal with money?
  • What if you feel everything has become too much and very overwhelming?
  • How to return to the drawing board and try and re-budget your finance?
  • Are there organizations I can try to get free debt help?
  • How to Deal with creditors?
  • What should you do if you have been unfairly treated?
  • How to manage your expenditure whilst you’re in the hospital?
  • What Benefits are there you can claim if you have poor mental health?
  • If someone you know is struggling with mental health and financial issues, how to help them?
  • If you cannot manage your money yourself who can help you?
  • Getting extra support for mental health?

What is the definition of poor mental wellbeing?

If you are finding that your mental health is being affected because of your financial circumstances and life is starting to be very overwhelming with sadness, stress, and anxiety, you may be experiencing poor mental well being which you need to contact a health professional like your local GP.

Poor mental wellbeing is when you experience the loss of a loved one (grief) feeling lonely or in despair, having relationship issues, or money worries or your physical health is not so good or you may even have problems at work. Most of the time we know what is causing us to feel low and we need to admit to ourselves that we do have a problem and learn how to deal with it. By simply ignoring the problem or being in denial will only make matters worse.

If you are feeling very low to the extent you may be having suicidal thoughts because of your money worries, you need to talk to a friend, family, neighbour or stranger otherwise call 999 if you are in immediate danger or give the Samaritans a call on 166 123.

Poor mental health can come at any time and last indefinitely unless treated. Your financial circumstance and worries about money can cause a chain reaction of problems not only to your health but to your day-to-day living.

Mental Health issues such as anxiety depression, sadness, stress, and PTSD can happen to the best of us, and remember you are not alone there are other people out there that most probably going through what you are going through.

Can poor mental health affect the way you deal with money?

Poor mental health being can be an onset of events that have caused you to feel, stress, sadness, sorrow, and despair. Your mental health can cause you to have anxieties, stress, depression, lack of motivation.

Some examples of the domino effects that can cause a chain reaction include:

  • Your income has been affected due to redundancies or could have stopped if you can’t work and are awaiting help from Univeral Credit, Housing Benefit, etc, or have to take time off work. It could also be because your child which is full-time education has turned 19 and you are no longer eligible to claim for your child tax credits even though their expenditure has not changed and you still have to feed them clothe them etc. (This is where the pencil pushers in parliament have not thought this through and have never been in this predicament). This is a loss of £400 per month and how is one supposed to live?
  • Your Landlord decides to give you one month’s notice to increase the rent without giving a thought about your financial circumstance. Even comparing the increase to similar rents in the area. So what happens if you do not agree, he/she will serve you notice to quit and where will you go then? He /she could potentially make you homeless and would he/she care of course they would not.
  • I have a saying “do I need it or do I want it”? If money is tight I weigh up would I be able to put off my wanting for another month. Could I live without whatever it is I want for a while until I could afford it? I have wised up to my financial spending about a decade too late. But now I have a better understanding of what is going in and what is going out. Someone with depression might spend their money on things they don’t need just to make themselves feel better and worry about consequences later, this will eventually become a vicious cycle with more unnecessary debt piling up.
  • People with depression may feel anxious or stressed about doing things like facing people, talking on the phone, going out, or opening their bills.

I am fortunate I do all my banking online and have done away with statements and bills coming through my door, everything is electronically done, I would like to think I am contributing to helping save the planet with zero carbon footprint emissions.

Money Navigator Tool

Are you looking for money guidance, but don’t know where to look? Start with Money Navigator, giving you instant help based on your circumstances.

Remember if you can write down all your going in money as well as your going out you will have a clearer picture of what costs cuts you can make.

Sometimes people that have enough money to live on may worry about money worries just in case they have to break into their savings. With rising costs and people in the human hierarchy importance ladder who simply do not give a damn about your mental health, you have to start fighting for survival and researching different options and how to get over your obstacle.

  • Your current situation may make you feel worried, anxious and nervous, or even depressed. You may have no motivation to face people let alone talk to them.
  • Your current situation may make you more stricter with your spending to the extent that you may not want to spend anything at all even though you may have money in the bank you do not want to dig into your life savings. This can cause anxiety and depression.
  • Your current situation may be the difference between putting food on the table because of people that do not care about your financial predicament and if you can actually afford a price increase. Small businesses should be more understanding and make massive increases to the tune of £80 as in the case of my landlord. (He will one day feel my wrath), he claims he has made repairs and has offset annual inspections that he is obliged to do onto the tenant. (I have so much ammunition on him he won’t know what has hot him).
  • Some people such as myself may find it hard to concentrate on making important decisions or concentrate or stay focused and may not take in all the detailed information and may not be able to manage their money properly.
  • Under Stress, people become forgetful and may not remember to do things.

There is an online tool provided by the NHS that can access you mental health especially if you are affected by financial difficulties NHS Money Worries tool. It does not take long to fill out in fact it only takes five minutes, which will then direct you to specific help based on your answers.

What if you feel everything has become too much and very overwhelming?

There is not one person on this planet that feels happy 24/7. Some may have very good days followed by very low days (Bipolar). Everyone feels low from time to time. Being able to identify the root of the problem is the first step to recovery. If one can pinpoint what is causing you to feel low and have your financial forecast in black and white in front of you (one needs to be ruthless with oneself) be as open and honest with your finances, which will pave a path tackling the problem.

If you cannot shake the persistent feeling of anxiety, worry, and depression off, you should seek medical advice from a health professional such as your pharmacist or GP. Sometimes making the first move and asking for help can be difficult and daunting that is why there are organizations that help you on the road to recovery. Mind has devised a tool called Find the Words, which will help you help you devise a plan of action and what you can say in the preparation of having a consultation with your GP, Nurse, or Pharmacist.

When it comes to financial difficulties the sooner you begin admit you have a problem, the sooner you can to tackle the problem and the easier it will be to take control. However it is understandable that some people may not be able to find the strength to deal with financial issues independantly and may find the whole ordeal overwhelming to the degree it may feel even impossible.

How to return to the drawing board and try and re-budget your finance?

  • Write Down in a Book so you can return to it later all your expenses and all your income. You will see at a glance how you can possibly save some money or juggle your money around. This is a perfect opportunity to manage and budget your money. Give yourself a Petty Cash so you can dip into that rather than your savings.
  • Do some research and find organizations that can help you with your finances
  • Reach out to your friends, family, and healthcare professional if the constant worry about money is so overwhelming that you cannot function properly.
  • Nominate someone you can trust to look after your mail for you, going as far as helping you budget and manage your expenses. Sometimes the thought of opening bills or statements is too much to bear.
  • Contact creditors, banks, and utility companies at the first opportunity and explain your circumstances they may put your debt on hold. If you ignore them this will only make matters worse and the problem will not go away by itself, in fact, it may escalate to debt recovery where your initial debt might double with recovery fees. It is best to just get the bull by the horns and confront your creditors before they do.
  • If you start to feel that life is unbearable and you cannot even face going to work, you must go to your GP to explain your ailments and ask to have a sick note. Contact your manager or HR department to let them know you are unwell. Some companies offer extra employee support, which is free and confidential.
  • If you go to your GP or another health professional and explain your problem, not only will your mental state of mind be logged on their system they may be also able to guide you by providing a Debt and Mental Health Evidence Form, which can help make assure creditors take your mental health problems into account. Only if you are in severe debt financial services may want to see written evidence of a mental health issue, but this is something that should only be discussed if you feel the situation has no way out and you are willing to share your personal data with these organizations. This is not mandatory and you will not be asked to provide medical evidence unless it goes to court.
  • If you a shopping addict or feel that buying something to cheer you up is the solution, when in fact it will only make your finances worse, consider doing something that occupies your mind that does not include browsing the internet with the temptation to spend. Go to your local library and borrow some books that you will be inspired by. If you are arty start painting. Do things that will not cost you an arm and a leg. Download some e-books before turning off the internet for a month or so. Give yourself time to re-rejuvenate.

Visit Money and Mental Health Policy Institute website for a list of recommended tools you can use.

How to return to the drawing board and try and re-budget your finance?

Poor mental health may make not allow you to be focused and may hinder the decision you make, thus avoiding making them at all can cause a domino effect with consequences to one’s actions. When you are starting to feel you are able to tackle your problems you need to be assertive, stay focused and correct the problems you may have. Also, try to safeguard yourself from future issues which may arise, by putting a little away each month if at all possible.

Are there organisations I can try to get free debt help?

  • I have been there when I had a nasty surprise when Norton renewed itself automatically approximately two months before the termination of the contract. I went about removing my card details from their system and every other company that I was not comfortable having my card details. This is the same for most online shopping sites and browsers often remember card details to make it easier and smoother to make purchases. If you feel at risk of making impulsive spending decisions you later regret, remove the auto-filled information from your browser settings.
  • Consider cutting up your cards or have just one for essential shopping, but do away with credit cards at your first opportunity. If you are in debt with credit cards the banks and credit card issuers will be happy for you to offer them something rather than nothing at all. This will also save them time chasing you and they will get their money although albeit it may take them a little longer. Offer something that is reasonable and show them your expenditure report.
  • Download this useful tool The Wellness and Recovery Action Plan (WRAP) that was created by Mary Ellen Copeland and others who have lived experience of mental health issues themselves.
  • Also if you have overspent and regret it, you can cancel or return items so you get the money back.

How to Deal with creditors?

If you have had poor mental health for some time it may be a combination of different things that have happened in your life. One of the reasons could be because you don’t have enough money to pay for the basics, such as food and rent or mortgage or you’re unable to pay your debts.

Although there are many places where you can get free financial help and information, only you know if you have enough money coming in or not to cover your bills.

A debt adviser can help to a certain degree and talk through your money worries and find ways for you to manage your debts, but they may not have all the answers. If you have been good at managing your money and all of a sudden someone throws an unexpected spanner in the works such as a rent increase of £150 for arguments sake, this will throw your budget straight out of the window.

Debt Advisers can suggest solutions you may not know about and can help even if you don’t think you have any spare money to deal with your debt.

A lot of people have felt stress when seeking debt advice; you’re not alone and it’s not a sign of weakness.

You can talk to debt advisers online, on the telephone or face-to-face – however, you feel most comfortable.

Get free debt advice here.

How to Deal with Creditors.

You should never be ashamed or embarrassed about talking about mental health to anyone. It is not a sign of weakness and in fact, speaking about is a sure way of finding the right help to dealing with it. Suffering in silence does not help you if you do not tell anyone how you are feeling. There are millions of people just like yourself in similar situations and if you can find the courage to speak out you have made the first steps to recovery.

If you do not tell anyone how you are feeling how are they supposed to know.

Creditors are human after all and even if they have never experienced stress, anxiety, and depression they may in fact know someone that has and they should be sympathetic towards you as long as you explain to them what you are going through.

Write it all down on a piece of paper or type it up, mentioning your mental state of mind, your disabilities and any medical help you may have. Do not leave any stone unturned.

Mention your incomings and outgoings so that they have a clear picture and may give you more time to pay off any arrears or debt you may have.

It is better to offer them something than nothing at all.

They will be happy to accept whatever you can offer them rather than taking you to court, which not only costs money it is a waste of resources that can be better spent elsewhere.

Creditors can be empathic and the definition of a creditor is someone you owe money to, such as a landlord, utility company, car finance company, your bank, building society, or lender (payday loans, store cards, etc).

People often feel talking about mental health that there is a stigma attached and the person you disclose this information to may think you are crazy. Having mental health issues such as anxiety and depression are normal experiences most people go through and experience at some point in their lives, from sitting your exams to having your first interview to feeling your job is not rewarding or you may be having relationship troubles. Everyone has experienced sadness, anxiety, and depression at some point in their lives.

When our parents and loved ones pass away we experience, sadness, grief, and depression.

Talking to their creditors about your poor mental wellbeing makes you a stronger person because you are brave enough to speak about it rather than shutting it out.

You can choose how much information you want to share and how it will be stored and used. You have control over your data.

Most importantly if you are feeling as if things have escalated out of control and you have nowhere to turn, do visit a health professional or GP asap and then contact your creditors in writing or appoint a friend or family member to do it on your behalf. You are not alone there are millions of people in the same boat as you.

Find out more about notice of correction on Mental Health and Money website.

What should you do if you have been unfairly treated?

Most organizations are empathetic providing you do give them the runaround. if you choose to ignore the past due letter and hope the problem will go away by itself you are very much mistaken and you will only infuriate your creditors. The sooner you make contact with them and the sooner you put all your incomings and outgoings on the table and a proposed payment plan the sooner they will give you extended time to pay. Remember they sooner prefer to have something than nothing at all and they certainly do not want to waste their precious time dragging it through courts. They will even cap any interest you may have as long as you make contact with them.

However if after you have disclosed your situation to the lender and they are being ruthless you can put in a letter of complaint and then go to an ombudsman who will act as a mediator. You also have the option of going to citizen advice and get free advice from volunteer solicitors or legal advice pro bono meaning they will not charge you until they win a case similar to (not win no fee).

The most important factor is you have to make contact physically or in writing and if you still feel you are not getting anywhere start pulling ranks so if the bank teller cannot help you ask for the bank manager and if the bank manager refuses to help go to an ombudsman.

In most cases as long as you offer your creditors something they will call off the wolves and will not pass your debt onto a debt collecting agency.

If you want to speak to a creditor in person it is wise to have someone with you as a witness and for moral support but the best way is to put it all in writing and do not leave anything out.

How to manage your expenditure whilst you’re in the hospital?

Sometimes the unexpected can happen so you should have a plan of action for a friend or family member to take over your day-to-day expenses. The best way is to set up a standing order or pay via creditors’ websites manually. Often setting up direct debits is a good idea but with this method, the dates transaction leave your account are fixed, whilst withstanding orders you have more control.

The best plan of action is to appoint someone as power of attorney and have it in writing that should you be unable to sort out your own finances and day-to-day routines like feeding the cat and watering the plants and putting any subscriptions on hold etc.

Obviously you need to be able to have someone you can trust.

However, if you are alone and have no family or friends, you could talk with your bank manager, you will be surprised what people they are in contact with and what resources and organizations they could put you in contact with.

On Rethink’s Mental Health and Money website, there is a full list of options and things you should think about, including how someone can help you pay bills, deal with benefits or talk to your bank or other service providers, such as your mobile phone, gas or electricity provider.

Always plan ahead should something happen like you being admitted into hospital suddenly. This will start a plan of action with the domino effect of the next person being notified to sort out your affairs.

If you are dependant on Government Benefits and Support you must notify the agencies because some benefits you will no longer be entitled to and this will avoid them overpayment, in which you guessed it, you would have to pay it all back. So it is best to let them know as soon as you can or get someone to do it on your behalf.

If you are admitted to hospital for a long stay you should know about the following:

  • If you are getting Disability Living Allowance, Personal Independence Allowance, or Attendance Allowance, your benefit will stop.
  • If someone gets Carer’s Allowance for you, their benefit will stop at the same time.
  • You are able to continue to get Housing Benefit for up to 52 weeks
  • If you are getting Employment and Support Allowance it will continue to be paid but depending on which type you are getting, you may lose some premiums or housing costs
  • Universal Credit will not usually be affected for six months
  • You will need to continue paying your bills. Think about setting up a direct debit so it’s done automatically

If you get benefits, tell the Department of Work and Pensions (DWP) – or the Social Security Agency (SSA) if you are in Northern Ireland.

Tell your local authority if you get Housing Benefits or pay Council Tax because you may qualify for a reduction.

If you don’t tell the agency dealing with your benefits, they may continue paying you and you may end up owing money.

You may need someone to help you do some of these things. Read our guide Getting informal help to manage your money for more information.

Go to the Mental Health and Money website for more help you can get and things you need to do if you are in hospital.

What Benefits are there you can claim if you have poor mental health?

If your mental health condition persists or worsens or another disability is diagnosed, you may be entitled to help with certain benefits.

If you are over 16 and have a diagnosed mental health problem, you may be entitled to a Personal Independence Payment (PIP) if you need help with everyday tasks. This isn’t means-tested, so you may be able to get it whether or not you have an income or savings. However, they will first make you have a long interview and will assess you on the day. With the Coronavirus Pandemic Regulations and Restrictions, these assessments have been put on hold. Do not be disheartened if your claim has been denied, nearly all claims are rejected and it is up to you to appeal their decision.

If you can’t work for an extended length of time because of your illness and you’re not entitled to Statutory Sick Pay (or it has run out), you might be able to claim Employment and Support Allowance or Universal Credit to help replace lost income. If you’re claiming a sickness or disability benefit, you will usually need to have a medical assessment as part of the claim process.

The Mental Health and Money Advice website has a full list of benefits you may be entitled to if you are suffering from mental health issues, or if you are a carer of someone who is struggling.

The charity Turn2us has an online calculator you can use to see what benefits you may be able to claim.

If someone you know is struggling with mental health and financial issues, how to help them?

As a friend or family member, you know the person you are worried about better than most. So you can spot changes in behavior, sometimes before they do, that might send out warning signals.

You may want to make an agreement with them that they let you know if they seem to be becoming unwell. You could make an action plan together, for example, you could look after their credit card or bill payments when they feel unwell or help them make a GP appointment.

Are you worried about someone you know being under too much stress? If so, the Samaritans website has a page on what to look out for if you are concerned that someone you love is harming themselves, having suicidal thoughts, and might be at risk of suicide.

Getting extra support for mental health

Mental health is complex and there can be many symptoms other than feeling low. If you (or someone you care for) needs support with mental health, these organizations can help:

NHS Choices



The Mental Health Foundation



When you feel like there is a constant grey cloud following you everywhere you go and no matter what you do and nothing seems to be working in your favour, you must step back and analyze the situation and see how you can tackle the problem or make changes to make your life more bearable.

Sometimes stress, anxiety and depression can make it difficult to see straight, making it difficult to focus and make important decisions.

I have suffered from clinical depression for many years and I find writing down my thoughts and helping others as I am doing now part of my therapy. I have other disabilities which you can read on my other site My disabilities are not a burden per se, but a superpower as I can inspire other people that your disabilities do not have to define you and you can adapt around them within your means.

I have learned what to avoid that may trigger my depression and my other disabilities and what can worsen them. I have a controlled environment that is not normal by any standard but it works for me.

The first step to getting help is to talk with your health professional such as your local GP.

It’s easy for someone to say “things will get better” but if they are not walking in your shoes they do not have a clue what you are going through and have no right to give you that advice.

Only you can make the changes and make things happen and for people to say “things will get better” are basically sugar coating the problem.

If you are to your eyeballs in debt no amount of words is going to help you. You need a plan of action and you need people that can help you, rather than people trying to put a band-aid on a gaping wound.

The only way you can get out of debt is to talk to a professional that can help. You can even try to consolidate your debts into one monthly affordable sum. You need to speak with your creditors that you have run into financial difficulties and if you are also suffering from depression you MUST also see a Doctor. To be prepared to make the changes, you must make the first step.

It’s also soul-destroying watching people live in fancy houses driving fancy cars whilst you are struggling to make ends meet.

The constant noise of people bragging how successful they are is all smoke and mirrors and you should not be interacting or viewing this.

If you are connected on Instagram with people and groups living luxury lifestyles, turn off your account or simply do not log in.

For the MPs that dictate to people on low incomes how much support they are prepared to give people to live on, it would be interesting to see if they could live on £98.48 tax credits per week for six months supporting a young adult in full-time education who have no way of supporting themselves.

By my calculations, £98.48 per week based on 40 hours of work is £2.46 per hour, which is less than the living wage. Now if you add other income this could equate to a further £1.65 per hour, which brings a total of £4.11 per hour which is less than the national living wage, and they wonder why people have mental health issues.

So for a small business owner, they would have to further earn more than £164.48 per week to live and make a profit. Which equates to £657.92 per month that a small business owner would need to find just to get by on a low income.

If a small business owner has bills to pay and has a very low income that is struggling to pay its business overheads how does the government expect people to live on £98.48 per week? Even with the extra income, a small business owner makes it only comes to £164.48 per week. How on earth are people supposed to support themselves?

I have a question if a young adult turns 19 years of age, do they eat less the older they are or use less toiletries, electricity, water, etc? My point being if a young adult is still in further education not claiming universal credit and is not working and is disabled should the carer for that young person get penalized £100.00 per week and be given less to live on.

These politicians need their heads banging together and get basic salaries, equating to the National Living Wage of £8.91 per hour and not a penny more. They are not small businesses that often are highly educated CEOs that can command large salaries. Yet MPs are civil servants and you do not need to have a degree to become one all they need is to pay £500 with their application and if they are voted in by the constituents (followers), they then get to train alongside other MPs with starting salaries of £30K which equates to £625 per week or £15,63 per hour based on a 40 hour week.

Yet these MP’s command extortionate wages, bonus’s and expenses that come out of the taxpayers money, rather than helping people that genuinely need help.

I think it is bloody disgusting that politicians dictate how much a person should live on without calculating the cost of food and overheads expecting the average person on a low income to live on basic breadcrumbs that they begrudgingly give out.

They should try to live at least 6 months on those payouts and actually see how the other half live.

How about they swap their swanky homes for a person in a council house for at least 12 months, they would soon be singing a different tune.

Regardless of how much money I personally make and even if I could afford a house like the Real Housewives in Beverly Hills which I am watching on Netflix, I would never buy a house to flaunt my riches and make the less fortunate people feel envious of me. I would however live in a modest house that would not make me look like a privileged snob and I would use my money to help people less fortunate than me. I currently live in privately rented accommodation.

I challenge any politician to live on the income some of the small business owners live on just to be able to interview them 12 months later.

Similar to the film with Eddie Murphy and Dan Ackroyd ‘Trading Places it would be interesting to see a MP live on the money the government payout to small business owners and swap places with them for a year.

I apologize if I offend anyone reading this with my language but some people really are trying to make something of themselves and do not want to get into debt by getting loans/grants and simply need some help financially or help with getting more leads for free.

Some people may be disabled and may not be able to work in a normal working environment and choose self employment as one of their options other than being on the dole for the rest of their lives.

I have not really spoken with any small business owners on the subject but I am sure there are plenty of lone parents out there that support young adults whilst they are in college whilst juggling a small business and decreased revenue because of the ‘Coronavirus Pandemic’.

There Are Many Dr Evil’s In This World, Disguised!

It is society’s fault and a contributing factor that people suffer from depression!

For the landlords that increase your rent and expect you to find the money within a month are just plain greedy and ruthless without empathy, they should increase the rent by the Bank of England Rate of Inflation which is 2.5 %, NOT 14% as in my case.

My landlord said due to the fact his insurance has gone up because of the pandemic and the annual electricity check and extra alarms fitted, he has had to increase the rent by £960 per annum. I also have business insurance and my insurance has NOT gone up. He thinks I am stupid.

I will ride the wave and when I am finished I will create my own tsunami.

Further Reading.

#greedylandlords #mentalhealth #lowselfesteem #anxiety #depression #clinical depression #priceincreasesandmentalhealth #nationalrateofinflation #mentalhealth #moneyworries #moneyprobelms #debt #debtrecovery #reconcilingdebt #debtreconciliation

Rising Damp, Black Mold & Links to MS.

Example of Black Mould and Painting Over it. (Not My Mould – Stock Photo).
Keep your business moving forward

Rising Damp, Black Mold & MS.

Rising Damp, Black Mold & MS are on my mind.

I live in a rented property and I have black mold on my walls which have ruined my furniture and furnishings all the landlord has said for years now, is “wash it down with bleach and re-paint it” and that he would pay for the paint.

Now I know what his argument is going to be if I ever try to bring this up again and that is because of my OCD he was not able to fix the rising dampness properly.

In my defense, my OCD is up and down from day to day so even if I was having a bad day I would work around workmen. My OCD does not define me and I can work around it in my home. It did not stop me last December with the numerous amount of people that entered my property to fix the ‘hot zone’ in the kitchen over the installation of a cooker I had bought. So his argument can be counter-argued.

Rising damp has to be treated properly and needs a qualified builder to take on the job not some cowboy building contractor which I have met a few over the years.

Rising Damp and Black Mould can have adverse effects on your health especially if you fit into the following categories:

  • babies and children
  • elderly people
  • those with existing skin problems, such as eczema
  • those with respiratory problems, such as allergies and asthma
  • those with a weakened immune system, such as those having chemotherapy (this is something my daughter has and has been treated with).

These people should stay away from dampness and mold.

Molds produce allergens (substances that can cause an allergic toxic reaction), irritants, and, sometimes, toxic substances. Inhaling or touching mold spores may cause an allergic reaction, such as sneezing, a runny nose, red eyes, skin rash, or even death. Molds can also cause asthma attacks and MS. Mold (black) can be deadly and a sign of a house that is lacking ventilation, not only would it be bad for MS but general health.


Now you have to weigh out all the pros and cons when complaining.

Landlords are bound by Government legislation to conform to the laws set out.

If a Landlord is found to be doing things, not by the book he can be fined and even face a custodial sentence, hence if you complain about your landlord you have to also think about the domino effect.

The landlord is no longer going to be favorable towards you and will slap you with an eviction notice at his first opportunity once the dust has settled so to speak. He will just claim he is no longer renting out the property and unless you have £££££s of pounds in the bank you could find you are kicked out on your ear with nowhere to go.

Personally, I am going to move the first opportunity I have and then report to him and not a moment sooner.

I know that the mold could have been a contributing factor to my daughter’s ill health and when I do move my landlord will reap the consequences.

The guidelines for keeping moisture at bay are to keep your home warm and have good ventilation, which I do and have the central heating on 24/7 in the colder months, and have an extractor fan. They also say open windows when you cook or in the bath as the steam needs to escape. This is not ideal in freezing cold temperatures during the winter months and extractor fans are the better option.

Mold and dampness are caused by excess moisture. Moisture in buildings can be caused by leaking pipes (I believe to have leaking pipes as my combi boiler cuts out every two hours or so and I have checked why that could be happening and it could be because of a leaking pipe, not only that, one of my kitchen radiators was leaking water so I have turned it off completely. Rising damp normally starts in basements or ground floors, or rain seeping in because of damage to the roof or around window frames. (Well my window frames are rotting and are single-glazed so that could be another contributing factor).

Some dampness can be caused by condensation. This can lead to a growth in the mold that appears as a cloud of little black dots.

Condensation occurs when moist air comes into contact with a colder surface like a wall, window, mirror, etc. The air can’t hold the moisture and tiny drops of water appear. It also occurs in places the air is still, like the corners of rooms, behind furniture, or inside wardrobes. (This is particularly true as my Italian Furniture is ruined and have photographic evidence of this).

Damp Proofing.

‘Rising damp’ is due to a defective (or non-existent) damp course. This will leave a ‘tide mark’ about a meter above the floor. Fixing rising dampness is a job for a qualified builder.

Final Thoughts

Do consider the consequences of complaining about your landlord and even though he cannot serve you an eviction notice willy nilly, as it is illegal to do so, he can bide his time, and once your contract is up for renewal simply say he is no longer renting out the property and will give you notice to leave. He could use a number of reasons why he does not want to rent out the property any longer and the only thing you can do is claim compensation for damages due to ill health and damaged property as in the case of my furniture. Also, you have to weigh out the length of time this will take to be dragged through the courts and is it in your best interest to start something knowing there are consequences in every action we take.

Remember there are numerous ways to skin a cat (metaphorically speaking) and get around things and if he no longer wants you, he will find a way, even waiting for your contract to end to serve you notice. He can easily just keep the property empty for a few months and in most cases as I have witnessed with the numerous tenants over the years below me, he waits until they have moved out before refurbishing leaving the properties empty for a few months.

Do have a ‘Plan B‘ ready for when the landlord says he will no longer be renewing your contract. Do save some money, including deposit and rent for the next property and removal costs as well as buying furniture, etc, etc…..

Personally speaking, I will bide my own time and when the time is right have all my guns blazing. No one should live in substandard conditions and you do have rights but always do your research first before taking action and always have a ‘Plan B’.

To complain:

Keep your business moving forward

#risingdamp #dampcourse #dampproofing #blackmold #condesation #risingdamptreatement

Electrical Safety 5-Year Checks


Electrical Safety 5-Year Checks.

I wrote a while back about an electrical engineers company in Cardiff (UK) that did not notice that there was a problem with my kitchen hot zone in my property when they came to do an electrical inspection approximately a year ago and as a consequence caused a domino effect, whereby my cooker which was delivered on December 17th, 2020 to be precise was not fitted until the 11th January 2021, because it was difficult to get anyone out to resolve the problem and then fit it.

I was then subjected to having take-outs at a cost of £50 per day for two meals per two people over 25 days period a total of £1,250. My Christmas was ruined.

Moving forward to today I get a message from my landlord’s assistant who says the same company that came to do the electrical inspection a year ago is coming tomorrow to do an annual check.

I responded and said unless it is mandatory I would prefer no visitors, to which she replied it was and it has to be done by law.

Obviously, I never take things at face value and I decided to do some research this is what I found the screenshot follows after the PDF:


Now considering the UK has a “stay at home ruling” you would think minimizing contact with other people would be of the highest priority but somehow people are being so blasé about the Pandemic that it is starting to make my blood boil.

Secondly, the Landlords Assistant whom I assume should have done some training with ‘Rent Smart Wales’ would know that the electrical tests are every five years not annually. It is the Gas Safety Checks that have to be checked annually.

However, I am going to have some fun tomorrow when the Electrical Engineers arrive and will ask them to comment on the following questions:

  1. Why they are doing Electrical Inspections on an annual basis when it says every five years? (already had this answered, they are apparently doing fire alarm inspections instead).
  2. Why did they fail to notice a problem with the kitchen hot zone a year ago?
  3. Why they failed to move the socket from the hot zone on the 17th of December and only covered it with a plastic covering? ( According to the electrician today that was ok. No this is not fine as the plastic could melt from the heat).
  4. Why they fitted a light on the same circuit as the banister light which when one light blows the electricity trip? (He said that yes when the light goes it will trip the electrics but if the bulb goes on the light which is positioned in a dangerous place I still have to change it as it will continue tripping otherwise. So that was a waste of time installing the second light).
  5. Why they changed the bathroom light which was already bathroom safe for another one, just to make extra money? (I never got around to answering this question).
  6. Why they fitted an extra three smoke alarms on top of the one I already had, considering my flat has one floor and I should have one alarm on each floor? (he said by law I had to have one in the living room, on the landing, in the kitchen (heat detector), and at the entrance to my flat, we were having a full-blown argument as he was persistent that I was wrong).
  7. Why they did not spot the washing machine was plugged into an extension lead, which was trailing on the ground, and not plugged into a wall socket which I did not have behind my machine? (if there was a leak and water went over my extension lead, well all I can say is, I would be toast)? (I mentioned about this and he the best thing would be for me to lodge a complaint with the company, once I get the information from the government I will be emailing these electricians and reporting them).
  8. Who will compensate me for all the money I wasted on take-outs?
  9. Where does it say I have to have annual fire alarm checks done? (I asked the electrician and he could not give me an answer I wanted the name of the website to fact check).

Considering this company is registered with the electrical safety register I would like to know who taught them about electrical safety inspections.

Furthermore, my daughter is classed as a vulnerable person according to the government, so why is it that people insist on visiting my property when I do not want them to? It’s all getting beyond a joke.

In the meantime, I highly recommend “First Phase Electrical – Electricians Wales”, if you have any electrical emergency work that needs doing. Give “Jeff Smith” a call or visit his website:




I stand corrected I am not having an electrical inspection done after I pointed out the 5-year rule to my landlord’s assistant, instead, I am having a fire alarm system checked but as always I leave no stone unturned and have found this PDF from the Governments website relating to Fire Alarm Inspections. There is no mention of how often fire alarms should be tested by a qualified electrician and besides it is not rocket science to test the alarm yourself which is recommended that everyone does anyway.

This is now an invasion of my privacy, against covid regulations, and a risk to my daughter’s health.


My grievance is not only the hot zone and money I wasted on take-outs, but the number of visits I have had to my accommodation outside of my immediate bubble to the total of 9 people relating to my landlord’s decision, within the last month. This is now wearing me down. Had they all come at the same time, I could have had a party.

  1. Two DHL Appliance Delivery Engineers.
  2. An Electrician capped the socket the same day as DHL Delivery.
  3. My Landlord the following day and his assistant x total 3 visits.
  4. The Gas engineer came and went without installing the cooker.
  5. The Two Gas Engineers that finally installed my cooker.
  6. An engineer today checked the fire alarms.

A total of nine people in the last month have entered my accommodation.

Update 18.33 pm 22/01/21

I had my visitor today person number 9 in the space of one month test the fire alarms and basically, this is all he did, he sprayed some smoke from a canister directly below the alarm, waited for the alarm to activate and disarmed it, wrote something down, and off he went.

I have since written to the government to confirm what legislation there is for checking fire alarms and how often.

From what I have read one has to check the alarm once a month.

If this is the case there is no way on this earth I am allowing any more visitors to my accommodation.

I pointed the hot zone out to him and he agreed the electrical engineers overlooked the hot zone but I could not blame the company but the engineers.

He continued to say that capping the wall socket was ok. Obviously another cowboy to the list of cowboys.

Here is my capped wall socket, which is now behind a splashback, which today’s electrician said was fine.

Can Landlords Delegate Annual Gas Safety Checks to a Tenant?

Annual Gas Safety Checks.

Can a landlord delegate gas safety checks and maintenance to a tenant?

The answer is NO.

Landlords Obligations.

Regardless of who bought or installed the appliance, it is still the landlord’s responsibility to make sure the appliance is safe to use, as he has the responsibility of all the occupants in his property and adjacent properties to make sure there are no faults.

A gas engineer or landlord should not expect the tenant to pay for a Gas safety check on the tenant’s appliance if the tenant is paying rent to include maintenance and services.

If the appliance developed a fault and caused an accident the landlord would be liable and at fault for not having a gas safety check done. Not only is he/she safeguarding his/her tenants he is also safeguarding his property. The landlords building insurance would be null and void if he did not have a gas safety check on an appliance fitted by him/herself or the tenant.

Furthermore, if a gas engineer tries to say that he will not be doing a gas safety check because it is the tenant’s appliance, then the gas engineer is at fault as all gas appliances have to be checked regardless of who bought them.

For further information visit:

According to Gas Safe Register.

It is the tenant’s responsibility to do an annual gas safety check on their Gas Cooker, which contradicts the website FAQ.

This is the screenshot of the email I received from Gas Safe Register today:


Gas Safe Register website also mentions they are governed by HSE screenshot below and that it is the tenant’s responsibility to make sure their appliance is in good working order and have an annual gas safety check.

According to the Law:

Under section 11 of the Landlord and Tenant Act 1985, the landlord is responsible to:

  1. to keep in repair the structure and exterior of the dwelling, including drains, gutters, and external pipes,
  2. to keep in repair and proper working order the installations in the dwelling for the supply of water, gas, electricity, and sanitation (including basins, sinks, baths, and sanitary conveniences.
  3. to keep in repair and proper working order the installation in the dwelling for space heating and heating water.


Gas safety is the highest priority in rented properties. All gas appliances, fittings, installations, pipes, and flues must be kept in perfect working condition.  This applies to communal and private areas, regardless of whether tenants have access.

All landlords are required to arrange an annual gas safety check by a Gas Safe registered engineer. They must earn a gas-safe certificate or make improvements prior to letting tenants. The certificate must be made available to every tenant prior to moving in and must be kept for at least two years.

It is absolutely illegal for anyone to knowingly use unsafe gas equipment. Treat the matter with the highest regard! Always require the gas safety certificate prior to renting a property.

Carbon Monoxide Alarms.

From 1 Oct 2015, the Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Alarm Regulations 2015 came into force, which means all private rented sector landlords have an obligation by law to have at least one smoke alarm installed on every floor of their properties and a carbon monoxide alarm in any room where solid fuel is used. 

For more information on licensed landlords in Wales please visit:

For information about Carbon Monoxide Alarms (I assume if the law has been passed in England then it should also apply to Wales Scotland and Ireland):


There is some contradicting information from other sources about the Gas Safety Responsibilities of a landlord and tenant and it seems a bit of a grey area according to: the landlord is not responsible for any electrical appliance that the tenant has installed in their property. Their maintenance is at the discretion of the tenant. But there is NO MENTION ABOUT GAS COOKERS which have been bought by the tenant??


In my opinion, it should be the landlord’s responsibility to make sure all gas appliances are checked regardless of who bought them. If anything went wrong the landlord is protected and so are his tenants.

There should be a clause in the tenant’s agreement if the tenant has purchased the appliance with a fixed fee added to their rent or the tenant needs to appoint a gas engineer of their choosing and provide a gas safety check certificate.

For the sake of Home Insurance the Home Owner should not rely on a third party (i,e the tenant) to carry out a Gas Safety Check and should arrange it himself or herself with a Competent Gas Registered Engineer.

However as it stands one cannot leave the onus on the tenant, not all tenants are internet savvy and will not do the research as I have, and MAY NOT KNOW THE LAW if it is not written into the tenant’s contract, then this opens up a can of worms.

Furthermore, EVERY Gas Engineers, Electrical Engineers and Gas, Electrical and Appliance Manufacturers and Retailers website should have linked and have information about:

  1. Hot-Zones
  2. Carbon Monoxide Alarms
  3. Gas Safety Checks and Landlord and Tenant Responsibilities and the law.

***I have contacted HSE for comment and am awaiting their reply. I will update this post as soon as hear from them.


All Landlords, Gas & Electrical Engineers need to be trained in HotZones and Carbon Monoxide Alarms – So far I have opened a can of worms.

Kitchen Hot Zones


A Hot zone (hot-zone or hot zone) is an area in the kitchen surrounding your cooker and refers to an area that is considered to be dangerous. It’s part of safety regulations within your home. It specifies the measurements and hard wiring requirements to make your kitchen safe.

FINALLY because of my complaint, I made just before Christmas when my cooker was delivered but the engineers refused to install it, I am happy to say Argos have updated their website and has put a page about Hot Zones on their FAQ Page.

It will be my mission in 2021 to put this information out on all appliance retailers’ websites as well as GAS & Electric Engineers Sites as no person should have to go through what I have gone through.

So now consumers are aware fully of what is needed prior to buying a cooker.

Argos Hot Zone FAQ Page can be found here under deliveries and installation in really small text: Appliance recycling | Go Argos


I have one small suggestion to make and that is I went on the Argos website just now and pretended to buy another cooker, where it says please read me before booking installation and recycling the page does not mention or have any links back to the page I referred to earlier reference hot zones, especially under ‘the section cookers‘. So if someone who has no clue about hot zones pays for installation they will be left in the same dilemma as I have been. There needs to be a link back to the Hot Zones Page.


I would also like to say today 30/12/20 I finally got the e-voucher. As for my cooker, it is still not installed as hardware stores are not open and it is hard to find someone to come out and do all the maintenance in my kitchen. Lesson Learnt!

Rogue Landlords!

Are you renting privately?


Check out the following website, similar to trust-pilot this website is specifically for reviewing landlords:

Have you come across the dodgy landlord that patches things up with a lick of paint?

I will reiterate the importance of online credibility. In this day and age to show your trustworthiness, you also have to show who you are publicly and if you have a property management company, you should have a website. Tenants and prospective tenants can then see the latest properties on the market, FAQ, and an about page all about you the landlord, or the property management company. There should also be an info page and who to call in case of an emergency.

Any reputable property management company should have a website and social media integration.

I am located in Wales so all landlords in Wales must be registered and licensed through: Now here is the thing they do a course and they then must comply with what the government expects of them as they could be liable and fined up to £30,000 in a government crackdown on low quality rented accommodation. The government’s proposals also include a ban on people with certain criminal convictions letting out properties. Landlords looking to lease a property to five or more people will need a license unless the tenants are from a single family. A database of “serious and prolific” offenders will also be created – with fines of up to £30,000 for those who let out substandard or unsafe accommodation.

So here is the dilemma of the private tenant if you complain you will be served an eviction notice to leave. A landlord can evict you giving you two months’ notice to find new accommodation for no reason at all, he could simply say he does not want to rent the property out anymore as he is planning to sell. He could keep the property empty or renovate whilst you are gone, leaving you with the problem of finding suitable accommodation and getting money together and ready for the move.

So in some cases, people simply do not have the money to uproot. Imagine you have to find the money for a bond and one month’s rent upfront, never mind the moving costs of hiring a van, taking time off work, and hiring people to help you move. So this is why our country is the way it is, because if a tenant complains they usually find themselves homeless because of the costs involved in finding other accommodation.

The government can help families but single people are not favoured for immediate help and end up being homeless.

As a private tenant, you put up and shut up. Sure the landlord can be fined but you can find yourself also out on your ear. Yes, the Nay Sayers will say but you have rights, of course, I know that but if the landlord then says that he no longer wants to rent the property out, there is absolutely nothing you can do about it.

I once had a kitchen fire and when the fire brigade noticed I did not have smoke alarms fitted to my mains power they immediately notified the local council who notified my landlord and in turn, he threatened to throw me out as this had caused a problem for him of which he had to fork out the cash. So as a consequence we also had to have turn locks and a handle on our front door and as you know I have OCD so handles and I do not go well together, but who cares right?, certainly not the council and certainly not the landlord.

Since then the local council has made my landlord put turn locks and a handle on my kitchen door even though there is no room for a handle as the fridge is in the way and you simply cannot get into the kitchen without causing yourself an injury with the handle in situ.

On another occasion, someone smashed the front door stained glass window and I remember trying to phone the landlord on a Friday night and he was not answering. I then contacted the police and they gave me an incident number to give to the insurance company. I then called out emergency glaziers where I was charged £250 to make the building safe and secure, they then ordered the replacement stained glass.

Upon speaking to the insurance company on the following Monday as their offices were closed over the weekend, I was told I was only covered by contents insurance and no building insurance. I then contacted my landlord who has to have building insurance for all his properties and he refused to contact his insurers I was left to foot the bill, as it was too late to cancel my order. The glass replacement bill came to £1,500 and my landlord offered me £60.00 as compensation which I declined due to his insulting my intelligence and integrity.

His time will come.

There was one other incident and this is a scam by far, a landlord changes the date of his rent being due so he can in the middle of the month demand the rent to be paid at the beginning of the month and visa versa but what this does it makes the tenant who pays every month have to find an extra two weeks rent as on top of the rent that was due and the moving forward of two weeks make the tenant default by two weeks. An example of what I mean the rent is due normally on the 15th but now it is moved to the 1st so instead of paying for 4 weeks’ rent upfront you find yourself owing for 6 weeks. A simple shift of time change and if the landlord does this a couple of times a year could make an extra month’s rent out of each tenant. ***See where I am going? Fool me once shame on you……

Your comments are welcome.

So here is the thing the landlord is having all these things done including adding more smoke alarms into every room as if one alarm is not deafening enough and he is patching everything else up with a lick of paint rather than hiring professionals who specialize in a trade he hires one person to be the jack of all trades.

Now I could go on but I feel that cutting corners does not benefit anyone in the long run as simply patching something up will only cause bigger problems further down the line. It is always better to tackle the problem head-on and fix it properly as the more times you patch it up, imagine how much money you could have saved if you fixed the problem properly in the beginning without all the callouts.

Do not cut corners “Landlords”, as it will only cost you more money in the end, always hire a professional tradesman, skilled in his field that has good reviews.

Do not hire a friend of a friend that is not known as these people are called “Cowboys”!! Always employ someone that is verified and has some accreditation.

****Addendum 16/02/20

After being promised that the person fixing my roof would come today, yes I know it is a Sunday but the weather has been terrible lately, and especially yesterday my leak got so bad that I put 4 pots down in the bathroom to catch the rain and for over a month I have had a leaking bathroom ceiling, only to be told they had only yesterday noticed two missing roof tiles, trying to put the onus on the landlord for not showing them the right location of the leak, yet they have been in my property for the last two weeks inspecting the bathroom………………. work that one out?

So my concern now is that the water coming through my ceiling is running down my electrics and coming out of my light fitting. Nevertheless, I cannot use the bathroom at all not even to go to the toilet, just in case I get electrocuted and the workman who will remain nameless for now said and I quote “just be careful”. (I have video evidence),

What if this causes an electrical fire or blows my electrics, what will happen then when I will be left without electricity or worse a home? The lack of urgency of some people makes me want to slap them.

Just because I told them my life story they now think I am a walkover and they will take their time doing the work because they think I cannot stand my ground or stand up for myself. They are very much mistaken because “hell hath no fury as a woman scorned” and what they fail to realize I have little empathy for people who lie to me.

Regardless of any pending business, I may have had from them, I will personally will not promote someone who cannot do their job properly and even if they do not use me they will find in the future my marketing skills can make them or break them. I can give anyone their five minutes of fame.

So where they made the emphasis they will climb the roof when it is dry well and when it is safe, that is not going to happen any time soon, and by coincidence had they bothered to turn up today they would have found it was not raining. 🙂

Also, I researched on the internet that there are emergency roofers that will climb your roof even if it is raining as they use something called a “tarp” to keep the roof dry whilst they fix it, so what is the “Woody From Toy Stories” excuse? It been over four weeks now I am getting pretty much fed up with it.

Watch me cause so many problems if this is not fixed tomorrow and I do not care what storm is brewing as my storm “Storm Renata” will be bigger and better than “Storm Dennis or Storm Jorge”.

There is a saying you can build your reputation which may take you years to build but within minutes it can be destroyed. They won’t have a business left once I am finished with them. I was asked to not mention anything to the landlord about them returning, I wonder why?, unless my landlord has given them a warning.

I refer to the landlord when I text him over a week ago, that I wanted to know what company he was using so that I could check out their reviews and for him to be careful not to be scammed, and surprise, surprise he blanked, which brings me to the fact he did not respond because the company he is using is a friend of a friend and not from good old “Google” or “Yellow Pages”.

The tenant below me had her trampoline netting ripped as the same workman fell into it as he was scaling her wall to climb over into her garden to access the roof about a month ago or so, and any decent person would have admitted to her what had happened but he did not mention a thing and when he noticed I had noticed he had fallen and ripped the trampoline he just waved to me and started to laugh with his colleagues, very unprofessional in my eyes.

He should have at least mentioned it to the landlord, but he was not going to do that as that would mean forking out money for new netting. My neighbor was furious when she found out but because I did not record the whole thing it would have been my word against theirs.

As far as I am concerned someone owes me for a stock pot as I have to use that to pee whilst my toilet/bathroom has been out of service.

I wish I had an address for him to send an invoice and at this rate, I am going to have to mention this to my landlord if it is not fixed by tomorrow, I don’t care, I certainly am not dependent on their business and it is no skin off my nose if they do not use me as like I said before “I do not want to market cowboys”.

……….An update……. the roof has been supposedly fixed I think, only time will tell if my carpet gets wet again.

I also noticed that my extension lead at the back of the washing machine had been taken off a pipe as it was suspended from a pipe because it could not lie on the ground just in case the washing machine ever leaked. The people who came to deliver my washing machine refused to install washing machine because it did not comply with PAT Regulations. So these other sets of cowboys who fitted my smoke alarms failed to do anything about my washing machine power cable and omitted to notice my burnt-out chandelier in the living room.

You would have thought they would fit carbon monoxide detectors but they have not in the kitchen. I’m going to have to do this myself. I’m going back and forth here from one set of cowboys to another but the electrical cowboys are a total joke and the handy manny people, well all I can say is they are on a monthly payment regardless of how big or small the job is will do it all and when asked about the kitchen handle they supposedly fitted but in reality they had not, I asked for the handle and was told it is safe with them and if I ever needed to fit it they would come and fit one for me……. What’s to say I would ever use them???

I just cannot wait to move out of this @@@@ tip and move somewhere much nicer. I am contemplating my naval if I ever was to have enough money to buy this property it would be for investment purposes only. I would renovate it and I would live somewhere else. Too many bad memories in the house that I care to mention or remember for me to live here indefinitely.

****Anyone with a nightmare story is more than welcome to share it here, and the more times we name and shame rogue landlords to the point of even publishing their names they will soon go out of business and landlords need tenants more than tenants need landlords. Remember to go check out:


Or simply type the name of the landlord into search engines to see if his/her name has been mentioned.

Happy Reading!


Continuation of My Leaky Roof Saga, six weeks later my problem is still ongoing and last night my bathroom light was flickering even though the light was not switched on. The light switched on by itself.

I later found out that the rain had been running down my light switch, the string pull and my carpet was soaking wet.

I contacted the building contractor and explained my dilemma and how I was concerned it could cause an electrical fire. The nonurgency of his response was he was busy today and would come around until tomorrow.

I am starting to lose my patience here, if my electricity trips or a fire breaks out and I am left without power, unable to work or God forbid anywhere to live, my heads will roll……

I have since had a message from the building contractor who has canceled on me today period and has said he will have it fixed by the time heavy rains come tomorrow.

I am on the verge of punching him…….

If you read the following article you will see he is now endangering lives by not fixing the problem when I have told him so:

I am the type of person that does not keep quiet and will tell him so to his face and take legal action.

Like I said before I told the building contractors my life story and now they think I am a pushover.

It is also very strange how this building contractor has no digital footprint at all.

Trustworthiness minus 100 in my eyes………


This is starting to be like an online journal.

The workman came first thing this morning after canceling on me yesterday.

They tinkered in the attic for about half an hour, putting their dirty feet on my fridge freezer near my pots and pans, leaving a mess right throughout my kitchen and landing with what I assume were broken fragments of blanket insulation all over my services, my pots and pans my flooring and my carpet. They then reassured me they had sealed the leak and no sooner they had left 4 leaks appeared 🙂

The Chief Building Contractor said he had lied to the landlord’s secretary and had said he was visiting me to return some photos but in reality, he was coming to fix the leak for the millionth time.

So I told the building contractor if he is struggling to fix the leak that I would contact the landlord and request he gets a roofer in, which he has said I should do and that he would confirm with my landlord.

It is now a waiting game to see when this will be fixed. It’s back to using the stock pot again lol.

Furthermore, after noticing my light fixture turning itself on the other night and flickering, upon testing it today the light does not come on at all, and when the building contractor asked if we had any spare light bulbs to which I replied I had not as this was a brand new light fitting the electricians had fitted about a month ago, so the building contractor then tried to see what bulb was in the fitting and could not access it. Usually, this is a man thing where most men can figure out how to change a light bulb but this building contractor could not.

I am still waiting to see how to change the light bulb and if my light fitting broken or not.

I am honestly dealing with stupid people now, who I presume have no qualifications or any brain cells.

The standard of service is a downright disgrace with the electrician not telling me about the light fitting and not securing the washing machine wiring to safety standards yet they charged my landlord to change a fitting that was already safety approved with another one which no one can fathom how to change the light bulb.

18 Visits in Lockdown.

For the last six weeks, I have had about 18 visits from various workmen namely electricians, carpenters and building contractors, and my landlord, yet I am paying rent to not have any problems or visitors.

I am well and truly fed up with the whole scenario”!!!


Upon finishing my last update, the leak continued on Friday 28th February 2020 when the building contractor said he could no longer attempt to fix it and that I needed a professional roofer. I also told the building contractor about the bathroom light coming on by itself and flickering and not working the following day. He attempted to first start by changing the light bulb only to find it was sealed with some sort of circuit board and that he would find the property management person for advice.

Later that afternoon my landlord turned up unannounced with no consideration to what I was doing to inspect the leak and said he would be back around on Monday, saying he need to find a roofer. I sarcastically commented with an innuendo, getting an emergency roofer would cost lots of money and he apologized and left. Now fast forward to Monday, there was no show from the Landlord or the roofer, and today Tuesday unannounced guess who turns up?, only the same building constructor with another guy whom I have never met before. So imagine if I was working a 9-5 job and I had taken time off work and waited all day for a no-show or even an apology. Another thing is they can gain entry without my permission but by law, they have to give me at least 24 hours’ notice, this has not happened and I have to be present at all times because of the valuable content I have in the property that would not be covered by insurance if someone decided to have sticky fingers.

I have been robbed before in a similar scenario because the thief did not break in to enter my property and used keys, which is what the landlord and his goofy workmen have to gain entry, I would not be covered by my insurance and I am not making the same mistake twice.

(What happened “oh I cannot fix the roof” )?

So in the space of 7 weeks since I first reported the issue and with also electricity checks and alterations in the property I have had 21 visits. Now the law says the following which you can access via this link:

Your rights

As a tenant, you have the right to:

  • Live in a safe property and in a good state of repair (black mold growing on my walls from rising dampness, no double-glazed windows, dangerous light fittings, and not Pat Compliant).
  • Have your deposit returned when the tenancy ends – and in some circumstances have it protected
  • Challenge excessively high charges
  • Know who your landlord is (only have his email address and mobile phone number, do not know where he lives or where he operates his business from).
  • Live in the property undisturbed (This is a Joke – Have had 21 visits in a space of 7 weeks)
  • See an Energy Performance Certificate for the property (Never seen one from my landlord in the 20-odd years I have lived here, although I had got my report from an approved company).
  • Be protected from unfair eviction and unfair rent (The landlord could easily say he no longer wants to rent the property out and there is nothing anyone can do about it).
  • Have a written agreement if you have a fixed-term tenancy of more than 3 years (Never been sent a copy of an agreement that I signed and was promised I would get a copy of – I never received a copy of an agreement). As far as I know, he could have made me sign it and then ripped it up.

If you have a tenancy agreement, it should be fair and comply with the law.

Further reading of Landlord Regulations, Obligations & Laws can be found here:

If you do not know who your landlord is, write to the person or company you pay rent to. Your landlord can be fined If they do not give you this information within 21 days.

Don’t get me wrong I am prepared to live in this @@@@ tip for a little bit longer until I find somewhere else or can afford to buy the property of the landlord outright and do my renovations, with legitimate contractors, not cowboys. The law sucks and unless you have a plan b to uproot at short notice (two months approx), think of the consequences before making waves……….It will cost you money to find the bond for a new place £500 upwards plus one month’s rent upfront, which is another £500 plus depending on where you want to live, not forgetting taking time off work and removals which can be anything up to £1000+. So consider the pros and cons.

Instead, collate enough information/evidence and take the landlord to court at the end of the tenancy, when you are good and ready and not before.

I am not going to make waves as I use this property to work, so moving elsewhere would cost me thousands of pounds, which at the moment is tied in my business.

If you are looking for a Pat Test Inspector or Electrician in the South Wales area, I highly recommend:

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February 2025
