Cymru Marketing Journal - (CMJUK) - Online Business Journal & Digital Marketing Agency. Business News, Directory, SEO, Social Media Management, Advertising, Reviews, Forum, Market Research, Content Writing & Website Design. Thinking Local, Acting Global.

Category: MARKETING (Page 5 of 9)

Marketing is a strategy used to increase traffic to your business. Cymru Digital Marketing Agency will create ways to drive more customers to your business, through SEO, SMO, PPC and Networking. We even offer outbound marketing services and will create a SEO Link Wheel to help you achieve your desired results.

Sustainable Business Practices Are the Future — Are You Ready? 

Photo Credit: Edmond Dantès via Pexels 

Written By: Katie Conroy.

Sustainable Business Practices Are the Future — Are You Ready? 

Today, major corporations around the world are striving to become more sustainable in their business practices. This is due to market demand; consumers these days are becoming increasingly aware of the environmental and social impacts of production, and are voting for sustainability with their dollars. According to a recent Nielsen survey, sales of sustainable products have been performing well above average. 

If you’re planning to start your own business, you should be aware of how sustainable business practices can reduce environmental impact while at the same time promoting healthy, thriving communities. Today, Cymru Marketing presents a guide to help you lay the groundwork for your sustainable business. 

Sustainability 101 

The National Geographic Society defines sustainability as “the practice of using natural resources responsibly, so they can support both present and future generations.” This is not a new concept; for centuries, leaders of the Iroquois Nation considered the impact of their decisions on their great-great-great-great grandchildren (which is the origin of the term “seventh generation”). The challenge for business in the 21st century is figuring out how to be “green” while at the same time remaining profitable. This involves numerous considerations, such as: 

  • The sourcing of materials  
  • Delivery of goods and/or services  
  • Ecological footprint 
  • Economic impact
  •  Fair business practices 
  • The local environment 

Finding Sustainable Opportunities 

When looking for a niche, take into account the local environment and culture. Keep in mind that a business idea that may be sustainable in one place won’t be in another. While researching your idea, consider consumer demand and how to address it sustainably. It’s also worth looking into the walking score of a given location, in order to cut down on vehicular traffic. 

Understanding the Pros and Cons 

One of the challenges of going green is cost. Sustainable, eco-friendly fair-trade materials and products are simply more expensive and can reduce your profit margin. You may be able to make up some of this through volume, however, depending on the attitudes and values of your customer base. 

Marketing the Benefits 

In your marketing, you want to point out how patronizing sustainable businesses benefits a consumer personally. Nobody, especially consumers, wants to hear a sermon about their “responsibilities”; they want to know what’s in it for them.  Consider touting the benefits of a clean environment on personal health and the comfort of knowing their children and grandchildren will be able to enjoy those benefits as well. 

While keeping that in mind, continue to look for opportunities to authentically show your clientele what you’re doing to make your business sustainable. If you find a niche opportunity that isn’t being met in your area, start a green task force and share the positive changes through your marketing. Or join up with an already established organization doing great work and share how the partnership benefits the environment. You should also try to find an influencer marketing agency to help you get the word out. After all, it’s not just about what you do; it’s also about advertising your philosophy and serving as a demonstration of the results. 

Starting or shifting a business to a green model is neither easy nor inexpensive under the current system. It is nonetheless what a growing number of consumers are looking for, so it’s a wise choice in all ways. Make the right choices in your processing and market your venture appropriately. An investment in sustainability may be challenging but can pay off handsomely in the long run. 

Cymru Marketing Specializing in SEO, SMO, Exact Match Keyword Domain Names Sales & Acquisitions, Press Releases, Affiliate Marketing, Lead Generation & Web Design. To get started, please email us at 

#FairTrade #Marketing #Sustainability #Ecological #LocalEnvironment

Disagreeing With Your Competitor

Keep your business moving forward

Disagreeing With Your Competitor.

Minding my own business, I scrolled through my LinkedIn Notifications and noticed someone blatantly taking the proverbial p#ss out of a local pizza company. Curious about the topic of discussion and because I specialize in domain names I decided to join the conversation.

The entity happens to live in the same city as me in Cardiff Wales and runs a Marketing Agency, he pointed out that a domain name a pizza company was using has the word sh#t in the domain name. It did not have the actual word; it was the way the letters were merged and highlighted by my competitor that showed all the words in poor taste (no pun intended).

There is a saying “put your brain in gear before putting your mouth in motion” and for me, Monday morning was the start of my content writing week, and I should have thought twice before ending up arguing in a testosterone-heated discussion.

My competitor later admitted he copied the image and content from Reddit and then went on a defense that he has always supported the company and gave them free marketing…yer right.

My point was, never take the mick out of another business for the following reasons:

  1. If you are on a network channel such as LinkedIn, someone you are connected to and who does not agree with your message may never use you in the future or pass work your way. You should never burn all your bridges. I wont be sending business their way.
  2. If the business that was made a mockery of found out and the article went viral, there would be a certain amount of people that may not use the business, thinking if they cannot get their domain/branding right, it could look like they do not have much money to invest in a decent domain name so what is the quality of their pizzas going to be, are they scrimping on the ingredients too?
  3. The business does not want to be seen by people that will join in on the banter. The business loses credibility.
  4. It shows unprofessionalism.
  5. You instantly lose trustworthiness and credibility.

The image below is proof in the pudding of what I was trying to say as low and behold a person actually commented about the innuendo the marketing agency implied about the domain name and the pizza guy.

I have redacted the person’s name that made the comment.

So, although this competitor thought it was funny to take the p#ss out of a company. I quickly jumped on the bandwagon in the Pizza Companies’ defense.

I tried to point out if this was a photo of my business being circulated around social media and I had a questionable domain name (I am a domain broker so that would never happen but if it did) and people were laughing at me I would if I was in the Pizza guy’s shoes, sue the entity that started it.

Not being a lawyer (solicitor), I used the wrong words, I said I would sue the entity for defamation of character but what I should have said was “I would sue them for Libel”.

Yes, this article came with trolls, and everyone seemed to be on the side of the competitor, congratulating him for his publicity stunt and stupidity.

However, for the pizza guy, his pizza domain will be stuck in my head, not for his delicious pizzas (as I have never tried them) but for his poor choice of the domain name and the article I read.

The one troll said any lawyer wanting to take this case on would also be taking the p#ss. I stopped interacting after that, as I did not want to add any further fuel to the fire. I defused the situation.

So unbeknown to the entities in this article, I consult with lawyers (solicitors) as I happen to own a solicitor’s directory and forum which is for sale:

(The Domain & Website Are For Sale Or Lease, along with and

What is libel and slander?

Headlines show us that celebrities and the rich and famous go through libel or slander lawsuits – however, it’s also a big problem for businesses and in the most extreme cases can damage a business’s reputation to the point where it can no longer continue trading.

So, what should a business do if it finds out that a third party is making libelous or slanderous statements about it?

The fundamental differences between libel and slander are when somebody makes a false or untrue statement or claim about an individual or an organization that harms their reputation or good standing, verbally or in writing.

Both cases are classed as defamation although there is an important difference between the two – libel concerns written or drawn statements, and photographs, whilst slander concerns verbal defamatory words.

Defamation is said to have occurred simply when a statement is made that lowers somebody’s opinion of your business as a result of hearing or reading it.

A brand that cannot afford a high-quality domain name may be questioned if they have enough finances for their business and the quality of the products or services they sell.

“Your brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room. – Jeff Bezos, Founder,

Defamation is notorious on social media as I have found out and can often take place where individuals and customers are able to express their feelings about your business.

As an example: Price Chopper in the US saw a tweet that was criticizing them. They saw that the individual who had tweeted was employed by a business who they had some sort of commercial relationship with. And although the tweet wasn’t related to that relationship, and was on a personal account, they complained to the employing company that the tweet could jeopardize the relationship between the two companies, and they requested that the employer take some action against the tweeter.

What my competitor failed to see is even though he is one of my first connections on LinkedIn I am never going to send business his way or recommend him, as who is to say that he could not or would not slander me or anyone I sent his way further down the line? He lost credibility and trustworthiness posting that article on LinkedIn.

Another Case of defamation: In Preece v JD Wetherspoon plc, a pub manager was verbally abused by certain customers. The manager posted on her Facebook account about the situation and criticized the customers. A relative saw the comments and complained to the company which subsequently dismissed the manager for gross misconduct.

If your business finds itself in the unfortunate dilemma of having a libelous or slanderous statement made about them they need to collect all the evidence to make the case solid. It is very important to quickly assess the situation and, if necessary, take decisive action.

In most cases, no action will be taken as there is not enough evidence and witnesses may be reluctant to get involved. People are likely to hear the statement and/or may not take the comments seriously or back your corner.

One has to weigh up the pros and cons and if it is worth the money, time, and heartache of suing someone that may not have two cents (pennies) to rub together?

Sometimes causing unnecessary publicity from the lawsuit could actually further damage a business’s reputation and in such circumstances drawing attention to itself may actually do more harm than good.

If you feel this is the route to go through, are adamant you have enough evidence, and can prove you have lost business or will lose business, then the next step is to find a lawyer (solicitor).

Sometimes lawsuits can be avoided, and incidents nipped in the bud and mended what is broken by doing extensive PR Campaigns to show the business in good light.

In the case of the pizza guy, the best plan of action would be to change his domain name. He does not necessarily need to rebrand just have an exact match of searchable keywords and phrases in his domain name without the letter SH#T in the URL.

For the marketing company disrespecting his brand name, I would have done this differently if I were them, I would have reached out to the pizza guy and told him what people have noticed and are saying and then offer some relatable domain names, rather than making a mockery of his brand for a few likes and follows. (Low Blow PR Stunt).

What the marketing company (competitor) did was give me an idea to write an article that relates to my three sites: UK Domain Brokers Site and also the Cardiff Solicitors Site as well as the Marketing Journal and it gave me the opportunity to contact the pizza guy myself with a couple of domain names and offer him some marketing...thank you.

Legal action can be costly and time-consuming and there is no guarantee that the outcome, hence if people are laughing about a brand name behind the owner’s back, someone needs to step in and defend them.

A pizza guy may be an expert in baking pizzas and may not have the knowledge of SEO and Marketing, so PR stunt or not I will not be giving this marketing company any work or recommendations.

What if I need to take legal action?

To make a claim against libel or slander you must start legal proceedings within 12 months of the defamatory statement being made otherwise you will be legally unable to take any action against the other party.

How can I avoid making libelous or slanderous statements myself?

The best course of action is like I said earlier putting your brain in gear before putting your mouth in motion and quite simply ‘think before you speak!’ Be extremely careful about making accusations about another party, especially if you cannot provide proof that what you are saying is true.

Never make innuendos such as the marketing company did, and highlighted the letters SH#T in the domain name. This implies the guy’s pizzas are inferior. Sometimes it is better to keep your opinions to yourself.

I have not shared the previous article written by my competitor purposely as I do not want to draw further attention to something that should have been avoided providing the person posting the article had one ounce of common sense, which in my opinion he did not.

Simply highlighting the letters SH#T in the domain name was disrespectful to the domain owner even though he could have chosen a better domain.

Who wins at the end of this? I do of course because I have secured two exact match domain names that will help the pizza guy with his marketing and advertising?

I wonder what the competitor’s clients would think if this was brought to their attention, after all, my competitor has his clients on his landing page and I am sure it would not look good for him if he was seen to be disrespecting another company.

When publicly speaking about a third party one needs to be careful not to say anything derogatory or offensive, because making statements can leave you open to being sued for defamation or libel.

It is much better to empower, support, and find solutions for businesses that may be experiencing issues with branding and domain names rather than criticizing and laughing at the expense of their errors, for your own gains”.

#branding #domainnames #domainacquisitions #libel #defamation #lawsuits #defamationofcharacter #slander #derogaroty #innuendos

Keep your business moving forward

5 Tips for Marketing Your Company as a Senior Entrepreneur

Keep your business moving forward
Image: Pexels

Written By: Ted James.

Cymru Marketing Journal offers local, national, and international digital marketing, including outbound marketing, blog posts, and social media advertising. Read more informative articles today!

5 Tips for Marketing Your Company as a Senior Entrepreneur

You have more free time than ever before once you reach retirement. If you want to make the most of your golden years and earn some additional income, you can start a business as a senior entrepreneur. Learning how to market your business is crucial for success. Use these five tips from Cymru Marketing Journal to develop an effective advertising strategy for your startup.

1. Learn How to Network

As The Total Entrepreneurs explains, networking is a way to form working relationships with like-minded companies in your industry. It can help you draw in new customers and retain existing ones. Cultivating a business network allows you to cross-promote your products and services to grow your target audience. As a senior entrepreneur, it’s vital to find a network that enhances your startup and improves the return on investment of your marketing strategy.

2. Create a Dynamic Website

According to one study cited on, 46 percent of people are more likely to buy products and services from companies that have appealing websites. This statistic shows that developing an attractive and user-friendly website is one of the most important aspects of marketing a business. Create an effective website that will draw traffic and leads by ensuring it meets the following criteria:

  • Has an attractive color scheme that is eye-catching but not distracting.
  • Features user-friendly navigation so that customers can quickly locate the information they need.
  • Provides all of the information clients need to make decisions about their purchases.
  • Contains relevant content that keeps users engaged with your company brand.

While you can save on web design by using a free website builder, hiring capable web design professionals is the way to go if you want a dynamic site for your business.

3. Develop High-Quality Content

An effective marketing campaign uses a variety of content types to draw awareness to your brand voice. While you can use any combination of content types, including email marketing, social media advertising, and print campaigns, you must ensure that each piece of content you produce is high-quality.

All of the content you publish should be relevant, informative, fresh, and engaging. Any piece of content that meets these criteria is likely to rank highly on search engines, which drives traffic to your website and increases sales. The quality of your content is often more important than the quantity you produce, so work on creating dynamic content if you want to make the most of your marketing strategy.

4. Harness the Power of Social Media

Social media is a powerful advertising tool that can reach a broad audience with minimal cost and effort. Expanding your company’s presence on popular social media platforms is a great way to promote your brand. Spend time exploring each platform you use so that you know how to leverage its power to grow your business.

Advertising on social media is also a low-cost way to get the word out about your products and services. To create a memorable Facebook ad, this tool creates Facebook ads. Choose a template and then add in your own text, images, fonts, and design elements.

5. Stay Aware of New Trends

Because technology is constantly evolving, new marketing trends emerge each year. You must be aware of these new tools and techniques if you want to stay relevant in the competitive business industry. One way to do this is by enrolling in an online business program. You’ll learn valuable knowledge that can help you pilot your startup successfully, and you’ll also have a better understanding of current marketing strategies. Any degree linked to business, including marketing and leadership courses, can be an asset.

Becoming a senior entrepreneur can be rewarding but poses a few unique challenges. Creating a strong marketing campaign is one task that many entrepreneurs struggle with, but if you use these tips, you can develop an advertising strategy that takes your startup to the next level.

Keep your business moving forward

#seniorentrepreneur #entrepreneur #marketingtips #dynamicwebsite #content

Affiliate Marketing Is A No Brainer.

Affiliate Marketing Is A No Brainer.

When choosing to go down the route of affiliate marketing you have two options, either you become an advertiser or a publisher.

The difference between a publisher and an advertiser is an advertiser might be a business, an app, mobile game, e-commerce platform, or a brand that wants to attract more custom and have a message they want people to see, a publisher on the other hand will either have advertising space such as a website, blog, social media page/group to display that advert. Or have an email list, a large network of connections, and may do content writing, where they will use their own marketing strategies to promote the campaign.

Publishers earn money by displaying ads, and the cost is usually based on the commission rates and how much traffic and conversions the publisher can generate. It is taboo to do direct advertising, it does not work. Furthermore, most advertisers prefer you not to go down this route but find a more indirect way of advertising. In order to drive traffic, the publisher should use the free options available to them before considering PPC advertising.

Affiliate marketing is a no-brainer because if you are someone that wants to monetize their website or blog, then offering your online space to companies in exchange for a commission is pretty simple to do and can earn you money.

However, if you are a business and want more sales and may not want to employ a marketing agency then becoming an advertiser you are essentially going to entice people that are interested in your brand /product(s) to advertise on your behalf in exchange for a commission.

This ultimately saves a ton of money paying marketing and advertising agencies monthly fees. In fact, some businesses actually employ people for this role, so imagine how much you will save paying an employee an hourly rate.

The name of the game is to save money, make money and get people to work for you without paying them a wage.


To sign up as an advertiser or publisher just click the banner advert below:

(Get people to promote your products and services).


As a publisher, you can choose adverts that are popular with the public. What is on everyone’s minds at the moment, well the rising cost of fuel prices of course, so you add this advertiser to your articles and advertising space.

Special Occasions, Birthdays, and Anniversaries.

It is also coming up to Easter and what is going to be a family favorite… Easter Eggs?


B2B and B2C Businesses.

If you are business orientated you want to advertise things relating to business as in the examples below:

Note From The Editor.

There are many programs to join through Awin. Not all advertisers listed on this page are Awin, for example, BullionVault is an independent Affiliate Program.

There are plenty of niches that can complement your site for example if you are a photographer you could have a florist or wedding dressmaker/designer. If you are a restaurant you could advertise tickets to shows (Ticketmaster). If you are an electrician you could advertise lighting and the list goes on. Obviously, you won’t find every single advertiser on Awin but it’s worth trying them out. They do ask for a £5 sign-up fee but they refund it and it is seen in your balance which will be paid back when you reach your payout threshold.

This joining fee is pretty standard like other companies I have joined charge up to £15.00 but then again they have really big commissions so I am not complaining and you get your money back regardless.

You can really promote anything that takes your fancy but try to be consistent and not be a jack of all trades. If you have a blog relating to travel then promote airlines and hotels. Always match the adverts to your niche. For us, we are a marketing company and we market all industries so it will make sense to use adverts matching the categories we are promoting.

Further Reading:

If you have any questions about affiliate marketing in general or high ticket affiliate programs, just drop us a line using the form below:

Join – Promote – Earn

#affiliatemarketing #advertiser #publisher #monetize #websitemonetization #blogmonetization #affiliateprograms #advertisingspace #affiliates

Cymru Marketing Logo Default

Bullion Vault Affiliate Program

Affiliate Marketing Banner Ad


Bullion Vault Affiliate Program.

Make extra money by referring BullionVault to your friends, family, and co-workers, or even implementing it into your business by adding banner ads to your sites and social media pages and links to your email autoresponders or email lists.

If your niche is beauty you may think about how will this program fit, well it won’t, but if you add the word advertisement just above or below the banner you would essentially be able to market this company.

BullionVault’s Referral Programme

BullionVault is one of the most trusted businesses on the web. You can participate and earn a no-nonsense 25% share of our gross commission (including mark-up and mark-down) by introducing gold, silver, platinum, palladium, and to your friends or your own website’s visitors. It takes two minutes to set up and continues earning you respectable money for years.

When new customers are referred by you …

  • You get a full 25% share of commissions (including mark-up and mark-down)
  • You get further 6.25% share of commission (including mark-up and mark-down) on further new accounts referred in by those you introduced
  • You continue to generate commission income at the same rate on repeat business for a full 2 years from account creation – and many BullionVault customers deal repeatedly.
  • Your BullionVault account receives your commission instantly, with no complexities or delays

To help you benefit we provide you with …

  • a simple link which you can share with your friends or put anywhere on your social media page or website
  • banners, charts and widgets to embed on your site
  • an on-line statement with line by line credits for your commission earnings

How much can you earn?

By composing an email and sending it to his registered members our very first referrer earned $2,500 in his first month as a referrer. We have referrers from across the world generating revenue from the program.

This is because thousands of thoughtful and wealthy people all over the world are turning to gold, silver, platinum, and palladium – and to BullionVault – as a response to currency expansion running out of control. They are looking for a product you can now introduce them to.

“If there is an easier route to purchasing bullion I have not found it.” TH

“Love the service and the site. Actually, your whole business model is a good one and like many excellent ideas is simple and just leaves me wondering why it hasn’t been done before.” RK

“It’s an absolutely incredibly good service/website, from everything to presentation, ease of use and security its very clear and a pleasure to use.” BR

To Register Click The Link here!



Alternatively, you could be the Advertiser and get people to market your business and pay them a commission on a sale. I recommend Awin, just follow the advertiser’s banner ad below.

#bullionvault #bullionvaultaffiliateprogram #bullionvalutreferreraffiliateprograpm #affiliatemarketing

How To Monetise Your Domain Name Or Business.

How To Monetise Your Domain Name Or Your Business.


Domain Name / Website Optimisation.

So you have a domain name and you have listed it on marketplaces and nothing is working. You have emailed prospective buyers, you have networked and even advertised, and nada…

But what if I showed you a way to make money from your domain whilst you waited to get a sale.

This strategy can be implemented in any niche.

It does not have to be domain names it could be any industry. You could simply be a startup waiting for a new client and you are wondering what to do next to get some money coming in. Your business could be slow and you are now researching what to do next to pay off your loans and credit cards and possibly even worried about the price hikes of petrol, gas, electricity, and food.

Here are the strategies you can use after I reveal what I do to make money whilst you sleep.

The secret is cookies (not the edible kind) and here I will explain my method. As you may know, I have many websites and am implementing this across my SEO Link Wheel, but one website will do.

Firstly you need to have a decent amount of people that you can network with. Building an email list takes time. If you have many followers on your Facebook Page you could start there but I would try to exhaust all avenues.

Don’t worry if you don’t have a large following, you may be generating a lot of traffic each month to your website so you could integrate banner ads on your homepage and in the footer of your site.

You can also explore classified ads and PPC advertising. If you need some help with this just send us an email at

Now my sites are targeted at business owners and I do try and write content regularly to boost my traffic. However, in one of my niches (Domain Sales and Acquisitions), some of the domains on my books owned by domain investors are not high quality do not have equity, and may get traffic but no sales. What I try and do in these cases is write articles about the keywords in the domains, but that does not really help to bring food to the table. Hence I have devised a strategy to not only optimize (SEO) my articles but add High Ticket Affiliate Links. Why waste your time with low-cost commissions when you get to earn big bucks for the same amount of time and effort.

Now what I am about to share with you, you can integrate into your email signatures, autoresponders, using an affiliate link, or add custom HTML code banner ads to your websites, social media pages, and articles.

About BullionVault.

About BullionVault.

Affiliate Partner.


The affiliate partner I have chosen not only will help people to save money but if they want to make money on a side hustle or boost their income, you could be a referrer and help them whilst also making a commission. It is no good to advertise to people that may not be interested in your affiliate program. you need to target people and perhaps encourage them to invest in Gold Bullion and tell them by signing up they get free silver bullion. Who doesn’t want something for nothing?

Signing Up – You get a Gift.


What is even more exciting is by using the following referral link you will get:

  • 1/8 oz (4g) of silver bullion.
  • €1 and $1 and £1. However if you register from Japan you will get ¥100 instead of the £1.

You may use them and immediately sell and buy silver on the BullionVault dashboard. If you use the order skilfully you can accumulate a growing balance, by putting some money aside each month or by earning commissions.

You’ll find you can use several of the vaults and all the currencies. You’ll be trading live and just like any normal BullionVault account, only smaller, without risk.

BullionVault’s Referral Programme.


BullionVault is one of the most trusted businesses on the web. You can participate and earn a no-nonsense 25% share of our gross commission (including mark-up and mark-down) by introducing gold, silver, platinum, palladium, and to your friends or your own website’s visitors. It takes two minutes to set up and continues earning you respectable money for years.

When new customers are referred by you …

  • You get a full 25% share of commissions (including mark-up and mark-down)
  • You get further 6.25% share of commission (including mark-up and mark-down) on further new accounts referred in by those you introduced
  • You continue to generate commission income at the same rate on repeat business for a full 2 years from account creation – and many BullionVault customers deal repeatedly.
  • Your BullionVault account receives your commission instantly, with no complexities or delays.

To help you benefit we provide you with …

  • a simple link which you can share with your friends or put anywhere on your social media page or website.
  • banners, charts and widgets to embed on your site.
  • an on-line statement with line by line credits for your commission earnings.

How much can you earn?


By composing an email and sending it to his registered members our very first referrer earned $2,500 in his first month as a referrer. Bullion Vault has referrers from across the world generating revenue from the program. This is because thousands of astute people in this world are either wanting to make investments or make a lot of money from affiliate marketing.

There are also a lot of wealthy people turning to gold, silver, platinum, and palladium – and to BullionVault – as a response to currency expansion running out of control. They are looking for a product you can now introduce them to.


“If there is an easier route to purchasing bullion I have not found it.” TH

“Love the service and the site. Actually, your whole business model is a good one and like many excellent ideas are simple and just leaves me wondering why it hasn’t been done before.” RK

“It’s an absolutely incredibly good service/website, from everything to presentation, ease of use and security its very clear and a pleasure to use.” BR

How it works.


Becoming an affiliate is simple. First go to and Register, so that you have a BullionVault account. Please note that you will need to validate your BullionVault account to withdraw any proceeds.

Your referral link to BullionVault then takes the form:


Please remember to change MYUSERNAME to the BullionVault username you chose when registering.

You may notice that the URL string returned by clicking on the referral link is long. Please be reassured that your referral details will be captured in our database.

The html code you need to add to your website is:

<a href=””>BullionVault</a>

Please note that the above referral URL structure is the only way referrers can link to BullionVault. If you use any other URL structure then you will not receive any commission.

If you are looking to refer only one or two friends, another way we can record your referrals is on the BullionVault registration page in our marketing drop-down called “How did you first find BullionVault?”

In the drop-down is a field called “Referred by” which allows your friend to enter your BullionVault username (GOLDENDOMAIN) in the “Please enter the username” box.

If you have any questions or would like more information regarding the BullionVault Referral Programme or any other marketing query please contact us at

Example: Banner advert


If you would like to add a banner to your website, the html code you need to use is:

<a href=””><img src=”” title=”BullionVault” alt=”BullionVault” border=”0″ width=”468″ height=”60″></a>

Please remember again to change MYUSERNAME to the BullionVault username you chose when registering.

You can choose an alternative banner image from their banner catalogue.

Ways to refer.


Use your referral links and banners on your site, blogs, emails, message boards, personal social media pages, etc.

NB: If you use email please refrain from spamming.

You can also display the latest gold or silver buy and sell prices via our live price widgets. There are 4 banner sizes to choose from and you can include your referral id in the code.

You may also like to consider embedding BullionVault’s customizable gold and silver price chart on your website. You have two versions to choose from and both allow you to include your referral id in the code.

If you have any questions or would like more information regarding the BullionVault Referral Programme or any other marketing query please contact us at

Tracking your earnings.


You can track your referral program earnings online, by logging in and selecting HISTORY > REFERRALS.

From there you’ll see how many new accounts you’ve referred and how many of those have been funded. As soon as your first referred customer makes a deposit, you’ll see a breakdown of how much business you’ve generated and how much commission you’ve earned so far.

Commission shares are passed to you the instant your referred customers trade, so you’ll also see your earnings reflected in your account balance and online statement. Please note that you will need to validate your BullionVault account to withdraw any proceeds.

Terms and Conditions.

  • Referal commission relates to vaulted traded gold, silver, platinum and palladium products only. Coin and bar sales are excluded from referral commission.
  • You are entitled to receive commission at the stated rates (25% of BullionVault’s gross commission including mark-up and mark-down) where you are responsible for introducing a BullionVault customer via an appropriate link – according to the procedures of the referral program.
  • You are entitled to receive commission at the stated rates (6.25% of BullionVault’s gross commission including mark-up and mark-down) where a new BullionVault customer was referred by someone you referred – according to the procedures of the programme.
  • You will generate commission share for a period of 2 years. The two-year period will start on the account creation date of the referred customer.
  • You understand that a prospective user coming to BullionVault via your referral link may not register an account during that visit. In order to track these prospects, BullionVault will seek to place a 2-month cookie on their computer system, identifying you as the referrer.
  • You understand that this can only happen where (i) the prospect chooses to accept our cookies and cookie policy (ii) it is allowed by their browser settings, and (iii) no pre-existing equivalent cookie referencing another referrer would be replaced.
  • You accept that the existence of a pre-existing cookie will cause that referrer to benefit by commission sharing instead of you. You acknowledge that you understand that sometimes you will benefit from this policy – where you are in fact the first referrer – and sometimes you will lose out – where you are a second or subsequent referrer.
  • You acknowledge that the expiry of the cookie on a referred customer’s machine within two months of the referral during which time the prospect has neither registered nor visited the BullionVault site causes the cookie containing your referrer id to be expunged.
  • You acknowledge that housekeeping utilities in use by the visitor may cause the cookie to be expunged before the time period is up, and that in this event BullionVault is not expected to identify you as the first referrer.
  • Only referrers using the prescribed referral URL structure as detailed above will generate commission. Any referrer linking to BullionVault using an incorrect URL structure after 31st March 2015 will have their commission halted and account frozen until they switch to the prescribed referral URL.
  • Existing BullionVault customers whose details are already held on the BullionVault database will not be included in the commission share if they open a new account via your referral links.
  • You acknowledge that while your account will be credited immediately when you start earning commissions you will need to validate your BullionVault account in line with existing BullionVault customer terms and conditions.
  • If you have not validated your account within 8 weeks of starting to earn commissions we will begin charging you a late validation penalty fee of $30 per month until your account is validated.
  • If you have not validated your account within 1 year of the date you started to earn commission, we reserve the right to reclaim any referral commission.
  • You accept that we will charge your account a wire or equivalent banking fee when you withdraw your commissions to your validated bank account.
  • You will not refer your own accounts or those of your spouse. You understand that where doubt exists BullionVault may prevent withdrawal of referral earnings until a reasonable number of accounts have been referred and funded.
  • All material offered for your use remains copyright of BullionVault/Galmarley Ltd. By reproducing it in any way — whether by email, website, print or any other medium, and including substantive amendments — you hereby agree to use this material solely for promoting BullionVault alone.
  • Your websites will not contain any material which is defamatory, violent, pornographic, unlawful, threatening, obscene or racially, ethnically, or otherwise discriminatory or in breach of any third-party rights and shall not link to any such material. Infringement will result in the loss of all referral income.
  • You will at all times conduct yourself with all due skill, care and diligence, including Good Industry Practice, and in accordance with your own established procedures and all applicable laws, enactments, orders, regulations and other similar instrument.
  • BullionVault will not tolerate any abuse in its name of international “anti-spam” regulations. Infringement will result in the loss of all referral income, howsoever generated. In promoting BullionVault by email, you hereby accept liability for ensuring your lists are up-to-date, “opt in” only, and fully compliant with your local data protection legislation.
  • You will not register any domain names or register keywords, search terms or other identifiers for use in any search engine, social media network, portal, sponsored advertising service or other search or referral service or include meta tag keywords on their website that incorporate terms which are identical to, similar to or could be reasonably confused with BullionVault services and/or Website, trademarks (or other trademarks owned by BullionVault) and you will at all times comply with such guidelines for the use of BullionVault’s services and website and trademarks as may be issued from time to time. You may be contacted by BullionVault to change the referral tracking links you are using and associated html code. You will have 45 days to action this request. If any of the above actions are undertaken we will halt your commission and freeze your account.
  • If your BullionVault account is closed you will cease to earn any referral commission from the users you have referred that are linked to your account.
  • These are BullionVault’s Referral Programme Terms and Conditions as of 22nd May 2019. These terms and conditions are subject to change with 30 days notice to active referrers.

#monetisation #affiliatemarketing #bullionvault #domainmonetisation #residuleincome #highticketaffiliateprogram #affiliateprogram #goldbullion #silverbullion #freesilverbullion #goldbars #goldcoins #goldingots #silverbars #silvercoins #silveringots

Online Censorship



Online censorship is a strategy used by search engines and government agencies to control and suppress published information that can be accessed by members of the public. Online censorship puts restrictions on what information can be put on the internet. Online Censors free speech – (There is no such thing as free speech). Internet censorship limits the content the public can access and potentially the content that gets published by content writers.

How Internet Censorship Affects You (+Pros & Cons) (

Online Censorship

Censorship of Articles, Images, and videos.

I tried publishing an article the other day on “Financial Difficulty” and how this W## is going to affect the global economy and basically I kept getting a 500 server error. I took it up with IT and basically, they could not give me a finite explanation, so I started to do a bit of digging.

It wasn’t until I watched the film on “Amazon Prime Video” and what is happening with the sanctions that I started joining the dots, the film “The Forecaster” made me realize we do not have freedom of speech and everything we say and do we are being watched and controlled.

If the elites of this world have their assets and bank accounts frozen what chances have the rest of us have if we step out of line and perhaps say the wrong thing?

At least these people have fiat money and precious metals that they could still live off to a certain degree.

I think it is about time these greedy men were taught a lesson and by rights and had their assets confiscated and their bank accounts frozen. Now consider this scenario and I am not an economist but would that mean the banks would have more money and interest rates would fall with all this surplus money in circulation?

The sanctions are a way to diffuse the fire by taking away the fuel or the money needed to fund w### and to rightly so!

However, if Shell PLC is buying oil in Rus###, then inadvertently they are fuelling the fire. The same goes for Coke~Cola, Pepsi, and Starbucks, if all these companies are still trading in Russia then they are also fueling the fire.

However, the film did say that Martin Armstrong, once a Wall Street-based financial advisor, was arrested and jailed on charges of orchestrating a 3 billion dollar Ponzi scheme, which he still disputes to this day, but in reality, he was the accuser and then because of what evidence he had, he became the victim, where he was punished for stepping out of line.

I then tried uploading the video that I wanted to share on Financial Difficulty, it was a video that you can view on Youtube, “The Hidden Secrets About Money” by Mike Mahoney, and my article was unresponsive. So if you do want to check this out just do a quick search and I highly recommend it as it tells you what is going on with the world right now with the money system. If you go directly to Mikes’s website you will see and hear for yourself that Mike also experienced censorship of his own articles.

This now tallies what was in the news today that journalists publishing news, not in line with the Russian Dictator’s point of view ake news about his military could face 15 years in jail. I have omitted from publishing his name and I guess you know who I am talking about P####.

Questions I would have asked would have been:

  1. What has Ukraine done to deserve this?
  2. Will you explain yourself to the world and your reasons why you have acted so harshly?
  3. Could you not have resolved any differences or misunderstandings in a civil manner?
  4. What does your family think of what you are doing?
  5. Do you not care about your own family and how it is going to affect them?
  6. Have you not got conscious?
  7. Do you not care about human life?
  8. Why target civilians?
  9. What have civilians ever done wrong for you to punish them?
  10. Do you not care about your own people?
  11. Do you not care about businesses in your own country which are now suffering?
  12. Do you not care about your own economy?
  13. Are you mentally unwell?
  14. Have you been accessed by a psychiatrist?
  15. Do you know you are polluting the air of neighboring countries including your own?
  16. Do you not want world peace?
  17. Do you realize what you do and acquire you can never take it with you when you are gone?
  18. Do you care you are being compared to the WWII dictator?
  19. Will you address all the families that have been affected by what you have done including your own people?
  20. Do you not care you are the most hated man on the planet?
  21. Can you sleep soundly at night?

I was originally going to use this platform as my voice and write him a letter seeing I could not email as his websites have been hacked but thought better of it as you never know who is watching.

It has now emerged that Facebook and Twitter have been ba#### by this country.

If they have nothing to hide they should not be ba####g anything or threatening media outlets and journalists. If they want to suppress what their people can see there will be more social media platforms that will pop up and websites, they cannot b## them all.

Here is a list of words you should use wisely on the internet without being censored or flagged by government agencies.

If you happen to use these words in your articles you may end up having your website penalized and thrown off by algorithms.

Editors Final Words.

I hope P#### sees some sense and puts a stop to this senseless w##.

He has single handily ruined his own country. That is why you should not have men in power as there is too much testosterone flying around and big egos. Women would never go to these lengths to win an argument. Also, the Ukrainian girl with pink hair that died should be the martyr post-child for the face of peace and it should be sent to the k#####n and be put on the dictator’s desk. I could not share the picture because it is copyrighted but here is the link to the news article: Younger brother of pink-haired girl shot dead with her parents in Ukraine has died (


Rob Moore -Disruptive Entrepreneur on his opinion on online censorship.

#onlinecensorship #censorsorship #interenetcensorship #500severerror #penalisedwebsite

Adult Learning Marketing Tips.

Learn In Wales Domain Name For Sale!

Adult Learning Marketing Tips.

When it comes to any business your first port of call is to have an exact match searchable keyword or phrase domain name followed by a well-designed, search engine optimized responsive website. Then you have to concentrate on the marketing and advertising of your site daily.

Here I have compiled a list of things you need to get your website noticed.

  1. Secure your exact match searchable keyword or phrase domain name.
  2. Develop a website that has content uploaded frequently. Search engines prefer sites that have new content as opposed to a static site just sitting there.
  3. Optimise your site for search engines and social media.
  4. Match your site with an exact match keyword social media page on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.
  5. Add a chat widget to your site so that people can ask questions on demand.
  6. Add a translator for your foreign students.
  7. Add a speech widget for people that suffer with dyslexia or have eyesite problems.
  8. Find your prospective student on forums and social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Snapchat, Reddit, Tik Tok, and other social platforms and advertise there.
  9. Partner with pubs and clubs and get them to give each person that visits a leaflet.
  10. Partner with schools and colleges and get them to hand out branded merchandise in exchange that your advertise them in return.
  11. Partner with events like colour clash or the like and set up a stall giving away branded bottled water.
  12. Sponsor and Event.
  13. Tout your business via food banks for students, child care facilities that offer free or discounted care, discounts on transit all matter for adult students trying to gain education to improve their lives.
  14. Offer financing with easy monthly installments.
  15. Share student success stories.
  16. Invite students to have their own blogging page so that they can write content of their own on your site.
  17. Start a competition with the chance of winning a course.
  18. Partner on other website and exchange banner ads.
  19. Wear your branded clothing so that people can see your business and get your staff to do the same.
  20. Give branded merchandise to your employess and their families and eventually you will spread awareness.
  21. Wrap your vehicles on your banded information, logo and website, or buy magnetic signs similar to what taxi driver have.
  22. Advertise in magazines and newspapers.
  23. Partner with charities.
  24. If you have an announcement and want journalists to write about you, visit PR agencies such as
  25. Create an app and give incentives to join.

If there are any suggestions you have thought of that have not been listed just drop ys a line and we will add them in.

If you are in Wales and wish to acquire this domain name and add it to your SEO link wheel just message us by return with a view of perhaps developing it into a blog perhaps.

#learninwales #adultlearning #learningonline #adultcourses #education #adulteducation #onlinecourses

Super Yacht Events Marketing Tips


Super Yacht Events Marketing Tips

In order to secure targeted ultra-high-net-worth individuals (UHNWIs) one has to do a number of things. I have listed below ideas to get your brand sailing.

  1. Secure Global Positioning of your Exact Match Searchable Keywords and Phrases Domain Names.
  2. Network with the elite and with business owners. Although social media may be good for the average person you will find the elite may be found on Instagram and LinkedIn and may tweet on the odd occasion using Twitter. Other than that networking can be a bit difficult if you do not know where to look.
  3. Network, with Millionaires, Billionaires and Royalty and send them your brochures or Luxury Gift directly to their offices. (Snail Mail Not Email) the reason why not email as half the time it will not get read or will end up in the junk/spam folder.
  4. Create a Link Wheel driving Luxury Brand Users to Your Brand. Set up a Luxury Website and Drive traffic to your mothership.
  5. Influencer Marketing where the said individual have their large number of followers. Influencer marketing focuses on a select group of targeted users. The prime example is to use a prominent figure to ‘influence’ a target market. Indeed, Verb Brands, a luxury digital agency based in London, estimates that 70 per cent of all adult purchasing decisions are driven by online content. “The superyacht industry needs to focus more on using digital to assist traditional marketing,” believes Chris Donnelly, founder and managing director of Verb Brands. “Luxury hotels do huge influencer campaigns that are semi-offline, where they will get travel agents to stay at one of their resorts for the weekend and sell the idea to the travel agent. Then those agents sell it to the client.”
  6. Set Up an Expo Stall at places such as and
  7. Sponsor Events and have your Business mentioned on all the advertising banners.
  8. Sponsor a Luxury Business. If a business has or needs advertising such as a Luxury Real Estate Firm, Advertise their business in exchange they advertise yours. If you invest in them they are more likely to invest in you.
  9. Advertise in Luxury Magazines and also in Newspapers, such as the Financial Times, Observer and Guardian.
  10. Partner with Elite Companies, offer to advertise their brand on your website in exchange for an advertising banner on theirs.
  11. Offer affiliate marketing and get bloggers to advertise your brand in exchange for a commission on a sale. You can use companies like Awin, Rakuten Linkshare and Sharesale to promote your brand.
  12. Advertise near places the elite like to shop. If its in Knighsbridge London put banner ads on Bus Shelters, Buses, obviously the average person is never going to buy but the person who has money will.
  13. Advertise on inflatable adverting blimps in places that the elite will see. Imagine a super yacht in the sky.
  14. Design apparel and merchandise to match your niche and sell it inside places like Harrods, Selfridges and Harvey Nichols. You will get your foot in the door whilst upselling to the elite on their shopping days out. Your advertising brochure can be put into the shopping bag.
  15. Host a party on your yacht and send out complimentary tickets to the rich and famous. Once the party has started they will spread brand awareneness through word of mouth and even become loyal customers.
  16. Have an art class (VIP Tickets) where you get a well known fine art painter to teach people how to paint their dream yacht.
  17. If you are in the business of selling yachts get the fine art painter to sell commissioned paintings.
  18. Host promotional parties at venues. Reseach what rich and famous like and make the party around the theme. For example host a party that may be promoting the most expensive alcohol in the world or gem collections.
  19. Contact Family Offices and become a member, there you will be able to mingle with Royalty.
  20. Set up your own Luxury Living Website and capture the leads yourself.

Website and social media presence
Many extravagant brands are now embracing client-created content otherwise known as user-generated content (UGC) on social media because this is a powerful technique to promote authenticity. Short video recordings and photographs of the product will be more captivating and engaging for potential clients if the posts are created by people rather than through an orchestrated campaign. For instance, if a 35-year-old UHNWI sees a video or series of pictures started by a peer, they are more likely to react to that than to a static or constrained marketing image. Thus a result, in recent years there has been a shift in correspondence; there is now an exchange of dialogue between the organization and the customer instead of the discussion being directed by the brand.

If you want to expand your SEO Link Wheel just drop us a line below.


#superyachtcharter #superyachthire #superyachtevents #superyachtvipevents #superyachtmonaco #superyachtF1 #superyachtexcursions #superyacht #superyachts

Does posting URLs in comments be of concern?

Does posting URLs in comments be of concern?

It was brought to my attention today that adding an URL within a comment to a post can be interpreted as spammy and unprofessional (and I quote “needy“). This was a eureka moment for me because now I was given an opportunity to write about it.

I will link other articles I have found on other marketing websites that all basically say the same.

It has to take a top marketer to stop all the rumors and false information flying about.

Posting URLs in Comments Debunked.

If you post a picture or text-only post on LinkedIn and state “link in the comments,” would your post be penalized (i.e., receive lower impressions/views and lower engagement)? This may have been the case some time ago but it is not so any longer. (The instigator of the post this morning, automatically went on the defense and called the person I have got information from a “Moron”). I did not respond to the insinuation.

Here is What I have found out and is backed by credible sources.

Research conducted by showed a study on the reach and click-through rate of LinkedIn posts with the link in comments and found reach to be almost three times higher on posts with the link in comments:

Linkedin Reach

According to Guy Kawasaki who conducted the research reported in mid-2017 amazing findings on his LinkedIn account when he added the link in the comments:

Linkedin Post Types

Guy Noted his LinkedIn post with the link in the comments section received three times the views over traditional link posts. (Views on personal profiles are equivalent to impressions on business pages.)

These two claims inspired the Social Media Lab to run a small experiment to see if they could verify this technique.

In conclusion, it was found that Hypothesis: LinkedIn is not punishing posts with the phrase “link in the comments.”

Data Testing LinkedIn “Link in Comments” Strategy

Data collected found impressions 169.29% higher on posts with the link in the comments, thus there is no punishment by LinkedIn using this technique.

But we need to delve deeper and what can happen if someone comments on a post and leaves an external link of their own. what would happen to your post?

In 2017, Facebook announced a change to its algorithm designed to reduce the reach of posts with click-bait and low-quality links. At the time this followed Google’s lead of penalizing lower quality content and intrusive ads and pop-ups that affected the user experience. However, in 2016, an update to the Facebook algorithm aimed to rank posts with engaging links higher in people’s feeds.

The topic of external links on social platforms is a hotly debated one.

If your link is ‘good’ (i.e. not click-baiting spammy rubbish) then will it affect your post’s reach or not?

External links act like backlinks although like any link you will find on the internet the link basically acts as an exit for users who are then directed elsewhere on the web.

Will the link damage your credibility, well let just say if the link posted does not match your niche and looks spammy then you have every right and are in control to remove the comment.

Going back to this morning I have been following a Super Yacht Hospitality Event Organiser for a few years and his content sometimes, very funny and sometimes crap has always caught my attention. I was planning on booking a VIP weekend for my 60th Birthday but it looks he has now lost a customer. He metaphorically speaking bit his nose to spite his face.

It turned out he had a bee in his bonnet because he went on a rant stating my link posted by me was and I quote”needy” in which I hit back stating his posts “Buy from me now as I have to feed the kids” were needier than my link, obviously this hit a nerve because he called it tongue in cheek humor and he could write what he wanted.

I tried handing an olive branch to keep the peace and even asked him to send me a banner so that I could advertise his business for free. I told him the link I sent him was not selling anything and that if he put a link in my comments I would not be so upset. I even tried to be the bigger person and apologized several times.

When I told my daughter who is studying marketing management at Cardiff University that he had blocked me, her words were his loss. She knew my plans for my birthday where I was planning on having a weekend on a Super Yacht. I guess I will have to look for another organizer and promote them instead.

What people fail to realize especially if they do not know me that well is if you cross me you do not get a second chance. I will not mention this person’s name or the company he represents but all I will say is he will see my posts including this one as he and I have mutual connections and he will know this post was about him.

What you should also do is act professionally and not draw attention to yourself. If the commentator shared a link that was found to be beneficial to you and your network, you should not bite the hand that feeds you and you should be civil. I was offering free advertising and trying to help him.

What you should not do is block the person, accuse them of hijacking your post, because “a happy customer will tell their friends and family whilst an unhappy customer will tell the world”.

By criticizing the commentator you stand to lose business especially if they happen to work in the marketing industry and maybe contemplating buying your product or service further down the line.

LinkedIn has stopped penalising posts with external links in 2020

It appears that LinkedIn has now stopped penalizing posts for containing external links.

In Summary

No one really knows for certain how social media algorithms work at any given time, and we also don’t know if or when LinkedIn might return to penalizing external links. There’s a lot of guesswork and bet-hedging that goes on in the social media community, all of which muddies the waters for therapy business owners who just wish social media could be simpler!

#socialmedia #socialmediacomments #socialmediabacklinks #eternallinks #socialmediacommentating #socialmediacomments #comments

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