Royal Mail Poor and Costly Service.
As my readers are aware by now I own several blogs and today I posted on: https://disabledentrepreneur.uk/royal-mail-vs-courier
I am a marketing influencer consultant with a following of nearly 10K people on LinkedIn.
My concerns are that my daughter who suffers with Multiple Sclerosis is on the verge of a replase because of Royal Mail due to unnecassary anxiety and stress.
Now I have reached out to the CEO Stuart Simpson regarding the problem my daughter is faced with for comment.
The post should be titled “Royal Mail VS Carrier Pigeon”.
Hopefully we will be able to resolve this issue quickly without any fuss.
I will be updating this post at the bottom of this page as soon as I get a response.
My concerns are not only about the value of the parcel and deadline but also by far the most important my daughters health. Obviously the parcel is worth a lot of money for my daughter to be up in arms worrying.
If a company has a laid back attitude and says they will respond within 10 -35 days, that is simply not good enough.
If you have a problem fix it thats all I can say, employ more staff if you have to….
There are plenty competitors out there including possible startups so it would be worth evaluating logistic strategies to stay ahead of the competion.
Regarding cost.
If you are sending letters, then Royal Mail is an option, but email is far easier, quickerm cheaper and more secure. However, if you want to send parcels that are larger and heavier, a courier is without a doubt the most cost-effective option every time.
I remember sending parcels abroad that cost more than the content I was shipping using Royal Mail.
Chat Widget.
Even I have a chat widget on all my sites, it is not hard to implement and it gives confidence to the user that their question will be answered, without trudging through countless web pages. I personally detest when a company does not tell you straight but points you to a tutorials or web pages and has no chat widget.
Standard of Care.
When a company enters into a contract between the consumer and service provider they have to duty of standard care which may be expressed in the contract or be implied by statute.
The contract may impose an absolute obligation on the entity to perform. However, in the case of giving advice or providing some other professional service, the implied duty of reasonable care and skill is likely to apply (Section 13 SGSA 1982).
For example, when acting on behalf of a client in litigation, the solicitor is not guaranteeing success. The duty on the solicitor is to act with the care and skill that the client is entitled to expect from a professional. Similarly, when supervising the construction of a building, the surveyor is under a duty to act with the requisite care and skill. An additional absolute duty may be placed on the professional (for example, a surveyor may have contractually undertaken to spend a set number of hours each day at the site). The nature of any contractual obligation needs to be examined in each case.
Obviously the care expected between the consumer and the service provider is to ensure that the service is met and in the case of Royal Mail logistics are delivered from A to B., failing to do this, the consumer is entitled to monetary compensation.
I understand the sheer volume of letters and parcels sent everyday can be overwhelming to comprehend and my daughter and I am are a drop in the ocean as far as Royal Mail are concerned. But if Amazon who I am an affiliate are on the ball there should be no excuse for Royal Mail.
Here is the compensation page it mentions nothing about if someone falls ill because of a direct consequence (Domino Effect) of Royal Mail’s actions.
I had a response back from the CEO of Royal Mail who said they would look into this for me. This does not solve the problem that even though I received the email 24 hours ago no one has bothered contacting my daughter and I.
Out of frustracion my daughter phoned Royal Mail today and was put on hold for an hour and ten minutes.
People should not have to wait this long to be put through to have a person on the other end obviously over worked and very stressed, having a tone in her voice and then saying that they are aware there is a backlog of deliveries in Cardiff Sorting Office (UK).
This news is no good to the customer who has a deadline to return a package.
What Is Royal Mail Doing?
Even a carrier pigeon can deliver faster than what they are doing right now.

They should never make excuses as with every obstacle there is always a solution.
Tell me something if there are so many people out of work because of lockdown surely they can employ people or use online virtual assistants to answer calls and message with online chat. They would not have to physically employ staff just hire a service provider that can alleviate the problem of answering calls.
As for the backlog of deliveries what is wrong with their logistics again they could outsource the work to other couriers.
Obviously I do not know how a sorting office runs as the closest I have been to one was to collect parcels but again there is always a solution to every problem.
I would like to know what Royal Mail will offer my daughter for all the stress and worry she has endured which is detrimental to her health?
Will I be promoting Royal Mail in future?, who knows we will have to wait and see in another update. I still have not shared this post on my social media pages as I am still waiting on a soultion to this problem, although the clock is ticking.


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