How to Get the Most Out of Your Small Business

Written By: Ted James.

Small businesses are the backbone of our communities, thanks to their unique and personal ties to the neighborhoods they serve. However, that doesn’t mean that business practices used by larger companies should be ignored. In fact, many skills can help small businesses and entrepreneurs thrive! Here are some tips and resources worth checking out, courtesy of Cymru Marketing Journal.

Self-care Equals Business Maintenance

Business expenses typically include maintenance on a property, but aren’t you part of your business? You’re a small business owner and entrepreneur in London, and taking care of yourself is just as important as maintaining your office space. There are ways to practice self-care that won’t break the bank.

  • Create and enforce boundaries. It’s important not to overextend your energy, which is limited. Setting boundaries helps because they create more free time if you say no to doing too much.
  • Allow yourself “me time. Remember to do one thing that makes you happy as many times as you can fit into your schedule.
  • Mix up the routine. People are creatures of habit, but falling into a monotonous routine makes daily life feel too predictable. If you add fun to your life, it will revitalize you.

Business Sense. One of the largest tools for businesses and people is effective communication. Lack of communication causes misunderstandings and resentments because no one feels heard. People from employees to vendors become frustrated, and morale reaches an all-time low.

  • Use active listening. If you listen to understand and ask the right questions, you’re practicing active listening. Limiting distractions allow you to focus on the person speaking to you, and it will help them focus on you when you talk.
  • Utilize more than one communication method. Combining email with Zoom calls eliminates confusion because it gives the person you’re communicating with another outlet to clarify any concerns.
  • Emotional intelligence. Being in tune with another’s feelings and watching nonverbal cues shows others that you’re paying attention to their needs. Everyone feels better when they’ve been acknowledged if they’ve had a bad day.

Learning Is Life

If you question businesses about what they think is the most valuable skill, some would tell you innovation is the most desired. Innovative people are creative and never stop learning. You’d be pleasantly surprised at how much you’d learn from your vendors and employees if you listen to their ideas. Thinking outside the box is often key to finding a solution that fits your current problem. You never know when you need another person to look at a problematic situation from a different perspective.

Marketing Tips

Entrepreneurs can also use marketing strategies like social media and search engine optimization (SEO). Marketing via social media is a great way to reach a huge potential audience, as well. Beyond that, though, don’t neglect more traditional methods, like flyers and business cards. Those can be especially effective with neighborhood businesses!

Your Business, Your Choices

Being a business owner is a test of life and work management. You are challenged daily to get as much done as you can. Practicing self-care, using communication skills, and educating yourself about your business are keys to success.

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Ted James
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"As a one-on-one financial coach, Ted James has seen and helped it all. He created his site, Ted Knows Money, to share money tips and help people get complete control of their finances."